Thursday, October 28, 2010

Emergency Drill Clip Art


Press Release 28/10/2010
surprised to learn that only now the mayor Vito Bono has commissioned the Technical Office of the City of Sciacca to make final plans for the implementation of the multistorey car park called Port Palermo.
It 's a project that was designed and made by the previous design junta headed by Mayor Mario Turton, which required a long and complex process due to the need for approval of a variation to the plan.
In fact, the design of the car door on veriante Palermo and planning have been approved by the Region By order in Sicily pubbici GURS of February 6, 2009, ( ).

The Parking Palermo Gate was designed by Turton to solve the problem of shortage of parking spaces in the center and was on top of what Modigliani (already built) and the Catus (contracted for over a year and a half and whose Work will hopefully begin soon).
The preliminary design of parking and its urban variant have been approved by resolution of city council No 30 of 23 February 2006.

by a subsequent resolution No 18 of 25 February 2008 the council noted that as a result of communications initiated the expropriation proceedings and publications of the rite had not been submitted and / or opposition.
The structure will allow the construction of a parking totaling 225 parking spaces and a terrace overlooking these to be allocated to pedestrian and green area, and more generally, it is proposed to redevelop an area in degraded and unhealthy act providing useful areas new parking and green areas.
The area will cover a total surface of 1,500 sqm. on which the park will be built on four floors (all placed under the highest proportion of the soil profile) with interp of mt. 3.00 and above these a fifth level, for use as pedestrian terrace that will be pedestrian access to the portion of sidewalk square Don L. Sturzo. The draft variation
expansion is expressed by the Office of Civil Agrigento that has made its recommendation for a condition.

** In light of the above, we wonder how it is possible that the parking lots near the old town are a priority for the current administration (as stated in the press release of the City) if the same, only now, after the beauty of 15 months of taking office, decided to follow ITER launched by the previous administration. We would like to note
also that the previous administration, although the project had been approved by the region just three months before the end of office, and waiting to come out invitations POR, had also initiated procedures to facilitate the path for funding the work, to make the same in the Strategic Plan of the Lands Sicane, Plan referred to today, unfortunately we do not know anything!
The coordinator of Forza Catanzaro Michele Sciacca

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How To Take Adhesive Off Stainless Steel


For journalists


Force Sciacca expressed outrage and disappointment at the state of total abandonment facing the playground of Stazzone.
An urban space for children and families, very frequantato, created and realize that just two years ago by the Mayor Mario Turton, has now become a genuine public shame.
The images that you attach are evidence. With prayer
see them all and post them in your areas of information, we do note that this urban area was bequeathed to the new administration in perfect condition (see photo above), and that it is in the current absence of adequate conditions for interventions for care and maintenance, as well as easy cleaning.
Coordinator of Forza Catanzaro Michele Sciacca