Sunday, December 12, 2010

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pasta gratin

Ciao a tutti!

ricettina facile per la pasta, tanto per cambiare un po' rispetto ai soliti sughi (il mio ragazzo ha gradito :) )


-short pasta (penne, macaroni, fusilli, farfalle, etc.)
-sauce (even the ready)
-cooked ham or bacon-butter

(regulator for the doses you: 200ml bechamel and 100gr ham about every 150g of pasta)

can add all the ingredients you want in the pasta (zucchini, peas, bacon, eggplant, sundried tomatoes and olive oil, olives ... work of fantasy:))


cook the pasta until half cooked (5 min). Drain and pour into a buttered pan (or a frying pan or an aluminum without butter). Add in the butter and mix in in modo che si sciolga con il calore della pasta. Mescolate il prosciutto a dadini e per finire amalgamate il tutto con la besciamella. Fate in modo che sopra la pasta ci sia uno strato di besciamella...così fa tanta crosta :)
Potete anche aggiungere un velo di parmigiano grattuggiato sopra tutto.
A questo punto infornate a forno caldo (usate la modalità grill) per 10-15 min (finchè non si forma una bella crosta).
Gustate (occhio alla lingua perchè scotta parecchio :p )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mens Brazilian Wax Miami Erections

Ciao a tutti!

oggi un classico: la torta di mele :)


200 gr di farina
150 gr di zucchero

3 eggs 25 grams baking powder 1 dl milk

2-3 apples (rennet, gala or golden)

powdered sugar 2 tablespoons chocolate chips, or pine nuts or raisins (optional)


if you also use the mixer to mix the ingredients, or with electric beaters mounted eggs and sugar until a pale yellow mixture.
Now add flour and baking powder (sifted both), add a little 'milk for a soft dough.
Peel and slice apples and toss into the mix.
Finally you can also put a few drops of chocolate to make the most delicious cake (As well as pine nuts or raisins):)
Pour the batter into a cake pan with a diameter of 24-26 cm and inforntate in a preheated oven at 180 ° for 400 minutes.
When the cake is cold you can sprinkle with icing sugar ... goodness!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Plumcake apple pie (or tart) yogurt

Hello everyone!

easy recipe easy but effective dusted off recently! So easy and fast that does not even weigh the ingredients because you use the yogurt as minurino:)


-1 jar of low-fat yogurt or whole
-3 cups flour
-1 and 1 / 2 cups sugar (white or brown) -1
jar seed oil (or extra-virgin olive oil if you do not have to seed) -1
packet of baking powder

-2 or -3 eggs 3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)


If you have used the mixer, or get a bowl and biscuit. Pour into the mixer / bowl the yogurt and sugar. Mix well for 1 at a time and then add all the ingredients in this order: eggs, flour, oil, baking powder and chocolate chips (optional). More and more
blend the plum cake "mounts" (in the sense that when the mound is cooked).
now Turn oven to 180 degrees and pour the mixture into a loaf pan (if you do not have a cake pan is fine da 24-26 cm di diametro circa). Infornate per 35-40 min. Spegnete il forno e lasciate il dolce dentro per qualche minuto a forno spento (altrimenti "smonta").
Se avete fatto la torta e non avevate le gocce di cioccolato potete, se volete, tagliarla a metà e farcirla con marmellata di fragola, o crema pasticcera, o nutella.

Buon appe!