Monday, November 13, 2006

Beaurtiful Funeral Signature Book

We were born too early!

Fianopark Dear users,

after so long, I had to go back to writing on this blog, because it was impossible not to comment on the news that I'm for is about to show you.

But first, I just want to preface this: had to come later!

But we will now move to the news, taken from TGCOM : Lessons

red light for some kids to a school of Milan hinterland. The math teacher, 33, was found naked in the classroom support together with five thirteen, three of them with his pants down. One scene, the one told by Corser, which leaves little doubt. The woman was reported to police from a colleague and immediately suspended by the Board.

According to the story of a professor of physical education, the math teacher has been found completely without clothes and surrounded by five children, three of whom had his pants down, while the other two were present at the scene.

The five were to follow the lesson of gymnastics, but after half an hour before as the math teacher who has taken them on the pretext that they needed a bit 'of repetitions. Only at the end of the hour, not seeing them return, the teacher of physical education was concerned and went looking for them. Faced the ugly discovery.

Despite the attempts of explanation sought by the teacher, immediately started the complaint. The same that made the parents of students who have just been informed of the incident, they turned to the police.

The young teacher is now under investigation for sexual assault and corruption of minors.

E continues :

continues unabated the dust raised from the episode took place at a school in Nova Milanese, where a teacher of mathematics was discovered naked in the company of five children. The woman now trying to justify himself: "I was not naked - he says - and then there was a strong sympathy between us." He admits, however, that there was something, triggered by the fact that the boy "started asking questions esplicite sul sesso".

L'episodio risale a cinque giorni fa. La donna ora, che aveva iniziato la sua supplenza nella scuola media di Nova Milanese due settimane fa, è rientrata al suo paese natio, in Molise. Su di lei adesso pesa la denuncia per violenza sessuale e corruzione di minore, ma anche la portata di uno scandalo che che potrebbe travolgerla. "Non nominatemi - ha detto parlando al Corriere della Sera - al mio paese non potrei più vivere. Non me la perdonerebbero".

La professoressa comunque cerca di fornire la sua versione dei fatti e, anche se non nega l'accaduto (impossibile visto l'inequivocabilità della situazione), cerca in qualche modo di giustificarlo. "Quel ragazzo aveva problems in mathematics - he says - as well as the other four. Monday morning we agreed that we would have been taken away for an hour of recovery in physical education '. It is your choice for classroom support "reps," that things start to deteriorate: "At one point he started asking me questions about sex and explicit about my sexual habits. He asked me if I made love with my boyfriend, I do not even have a boyfriend ... And so I found myself discussing certain issues without even realizing it. "

She then explained that she and the boy had developed a strong liking (confirmed by several witnesses who said they have seen them several times together to smoke outside of school) and she still "was not naked." On the dynamics of the facts are different reconstructions: some say the woman would have been completely stripped on the shelves stacked in a corner of the classroom surrounded by three children with his pants down and two to act as a pole, for someone else she would have been dressed and caught in the act during an oral sex with the boy (whom she believed "a 17 year old) while two other boys watched masturbating. Certainly she herself admits to having "touched" the boy.

who seems the least regret the whole affair, so that you prance with friends of having "the alternate phone. I have cleared the vice-after broke out the storm. "And the storm is also on the institution who, apparently, had it not been for the termination of the parents of the boys was going to put everything to rest, so the extra duties would end soon the teacher if they would be gone on.

And look what I found here ! The site of another teacher, who loves ... "fun"!

Well, now well understand why I say that we were born too soon! But in our times, these things happen?! My dear male friends, but you imagine what a sight when you have a teacher that the school gives you moments like that?! That is, one becomes a different man! A happy man! Now to feel emotions like we have to wait for the next life, if there is! (

Yeah, we were born just in advance!


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