Merry Christmas to all!
ready because this recipe is long, you take a nice afternoon ... But it's worth it!
-for pasta
4 eggs 400 gr of white flour "0"
-meal for the sauce
400-500 g veal stew a chicken leg
1 sausage
50 grams of minced onion
oil 1 chili pepper
salt 1 stalk celery
2 750ml bottles of tomato sauce
2 750ml bottles of tomato sauce
grated parmesan béchamel
First, put the sauce on the stove. In a very large pot add the oil (must cover the whole bottom right) and add 3 slices of onion, red pepper (seeds removed about half of it contains) and the stalk of celery. Fry for 2 minutes and then add the stew, the chicken leg and the whole sausage. Salt and pepper Brown
for good 10 minutes over high heat, then pour in the 4 bottles with the sauce. Reduce heat and let
sbollicchiare tatno stirring occasionally to prevent the sauce from sticking (if you see the withdrawing too add 1 cup of the water.
The sauce should cook 2 hours and a half.
Meanwhile prepared the dough: Pour the flour into a large bowl and rompeteci above the 4 eggs. Add a pinch of salt and start to knead. Help yourselves to the top with a fork, otherwise the dough will not stick to hands. You have to knead until it becomes a nice smooth yellow ball. If the dough is too dry add a little water.
When the dough is nice and smooth ... in theory you have to pull it with a rolling pin is made of wood but if you do not want to use the machine made on purpose (with a rolling pin, however, is good: p). if you use a rolling pin on the table shed a bit 'of semolina to prevent the dough from sticking to the table. Pull a sheet of 1 cm and then begin to divide and pull apart the individual pieces (pull all together is an unlikely). Otherwise use the machine.
When you got the lasagna 1 mm thick (almost one must see through), put to boil aA pot of salted water and cook for 2-3 lasagna once for maximum 2 minutes each. Do you have a ready lasagna
a towel (do not place the lasagna to each other).
Take a saucepan and cook the ground beef with a little 'oil.
When oil sauce is ready take a roasting pan (30-40 cm long side) or round (diameter 28 cm) and put a sheet of baking paper. Pour on the sheet of baking paper a little 'sauce (tomato only, no meat) and ill do the first layer of lasagne. After scap have paid the pasta with meat sauce, spargeteci a bit 'and a bit of chop' with Parmesan cheese. Then make another state of pasta and pour sauce, minced meat and Parmesan cheese ... so on until all the dough. On the last layer of pasta, pour the remaining sauce (no meat and gravy only buchierellate everything with a fork.
Let stand overnight.
The next morning, prepare the sauce: melt a slice of 1 / 2 inches butter in a saucepan with a teaspoon of flour, stirring constantly. When the butter has melted and formed a yellowish creamy sauce, add a little 'milk (a little at a time, stirring constantly.) Just get off the kelp poured out milk and stir finchè la consistenza non diventa molto liquida. A questo punto versate la besciamella sulle lasagne e infornate per 2 ore circa a 200°.
Buon appetito!!
-per sveltire 1: comprate le lasagne già fatte, tipo Barilla, (in questo caso dovrete solo cuocerle nell'acqua e fare gli strati).
-per sveltire 2: comprate la besciamella già pronta
-per sveltire 3: potete preparare la pasta in anticipo. In questo caso surgelatela senza cuocerla. Disponetela in strati singoli su dei fogli di pellicola trasparente e mettetela in freezer. Al momento di cuocerla tiratela fuori e buttatela nell'acqua bollente (senza pellicola) ancora surgelata. DOvrà cuocere 3-4 minuti anzichè 2.
-more sauce, if you like you can also put the sauce in between each layer and the other ... in this case I recommend you buy a good amount (2-3 packs).