Hello everyone!
Christmas is coming, cold presses dmi ... nothing better than a good stub dark chocolate! : P
Ingredients: eggs
-5 -75 grams of sugar + 2 tablespoons flour
-75 g -1 teaspoon of vanilla extract -2 tablespoons brandy
-400 grams of chestnut cream
- 1 tablespoon cocoa butter
-100 g -300 g of chocolate to cover (the supermarket chocolate "emilia" into large squares to the grocery store ... otherwise there is the original sugar-
shelled 4 eggs and separate the yolks (red) from the whites (whites). Put them into 2 different bowls.
Take the egg yolks and beat with 75 grams of sugar until they are frothy. Now add the flour (sifted), vanilla and a pinch of salt.
Take the egg whites and "mount them in the snow" (take the biscuit and blend at high speed until they resemble whipped cream).
Now mix up the egg whites to the rest of the dough: Pour a few egg whites and mix at a time nell'imapsto bottom up so as not remove the egg and incorporate air.
fate When you turn on the oven to 200 degrees and take the black plate that is in the oven. Stendeteci on a piece of parchment paper and pour the mixture. Spread it out evenly and bake well for 10-12 minutes maximum.
Prepare a cloth dampened on the table when the dough "cookie" is ready, remove from oven and rovesciatela on the cloth. Pull out the baking paper and roll the dough with a towel tight. Put everything in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Meanwhile prepare the stuffing.
Take the remaining egg and place in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Whip the egg with sugar fermentation, after which pour 2 tablespoons of swords. Stir in the cream of chestnuts and chocolate and mescoalte well.
time passed, remove the cookie dough from refrigerator, roll out and spread on the cream. Rewind it all and put in fridge for 3 hours or in freezer for 1 hour (fastest option).
Meanwhile, the dough is prepared in frizeer the topping: melt the butter and chocolate in a double boiler (take a pot with water and place it on fire. You take a smaller pot and put the butter and chocolate. Place the saucepan over little in the pot with water so that it floats and stir with a spoon until they are completely dissolved nis).
time passed, remove the roll from the freezer and cut the two ends making a diagonal cut. Spread one of the two ends of the cut pieces with the melted chocolate and attach it to the main body (effect broken branches).
hours spread melted chocolate over the log and then do the lines with a fork to simulate bark.
Put in refrigerator for 2 hours. Before you eat you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.
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