directly from my birthday ...
Ingredients: 250g ground hazelnuts
250g sugar 5 eggs
jam (to taste blueberries, raspberries, berries ...)
Preparation: Chop the hazelnuts
(better if you buy those which are finely chopped) . Do not worry if the mixer into a sort of buttery pasta.
Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs and mix with the first sugar. Add
, stirring from bottom to top the chopped hazelnuts. Gl
Whip egg whites with a pinch of salt and add gradually to the mixture, stirring constantly main bottom-up. Pour
l'impasto in una tortiera dal diametro di 26 cm circa e infornate in forno caldo a 180° per mezz'ora circa.
Lasciate raffreddare la torta dentro il forno e quando è fredda se vi piace tagliatela a metà e farcitela con la marmellata.
Buon appetito!
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