stew Hello everyone, sorry for the lack
but I took a little vacation: p
Today we talk about the stew: how not to become hard as rocks and many recipes for different types of meat (chicken / turkey veal, beef and pork).
The stews of beef or veal cooking requires a longer than normal slices (1 hour, 1 hour and a half), while those of pork and turkey require less time).
begin with the longest:
beef stew goulash Makes 4 servings -800 gr. Beef muscle
-4 onions (also small)
-2 tablespoons sweet paprika and spicy (as you prefer)
-1 tablespoon cumin seeds
In a saucepan or large pot Fry the finely chopped onion with ½ cup of oil.
When the onion begins to soften, add the chopped meat (usually at the supermarket sell it already cut), brown goods, salt, pepper and paprika.
Abbassate la fiamma e cuocere per circa 1/2 ora aggiungendo del brodo (acqua calda + dado) se la carne si attacca alla pentola.
Aggiungete poi i semi di cumino e procedete con la cottura regolando il brodo finchè la carne non è tenera.
Si serve con patate lesse o cotte assieme alla carne (dopo mezz'ora di cottura aggiungete le patate tagliate a tocchetti e ggiungete del brodo: la patata assorbe il condimento e diventa ottima) o con polenta.
SPEZZATINO DI MANZO (versione più complicata) Ingredienti per 10: -1 dl olio extravergine di oliva
-50 gr burro
-2 cipolle
-2 carote
-2 gambe di sedano
-1 foglia di alloro
-2 foglie sage rosemary
-10 -50 -2
gr parsley garlic cloves juniper berries
-1 -1 pinch of cinnamon
-50 g kg -1 flour
priest's hat or shoulder of beef (including stew beef already cut at the supermarket) -1
the broth (including nut)
-1 / 2 bardolino the wine (or any red wine)
Clean the meat from the fibrous parts or those that cover the cuticle and muscle that are often annoying to the palate.
remove the fat excess, but not completely, fat and cartilage parties contribute to the stew to give the right texture and tenderness.
Cut the meat into small pieces enough small, about 1 or 2 cm irregularly. NB
lla can skip all this part if you find the stew Bell'O already breaking the supermarket (there could be only to remove a bit 'fat)
Place the meat in a bowl and flour it well and evenly. Remove the excess flour.
Chop onion, celery and carrots and put them in the oil and butter to fry with the garlic (whole) and the juniper berries, taking care not to burn the sauce.
Finely chop the bay leaves, sage, rosemary and parsley and add to the mixture (located in the bay already chopped pate in the supermarket).
Remove the garlic and juniper berries from the pan. Add
the meat and stir fry to brown it and mix it always over moderate heat, add salt and pepper generously.
Add the wine and cook for about 10 minutes.
Add a pint of broth and cinnamon.
Cook for about 4 hours and, if necessary, a little 'stock to keep the sauce the right consistency and massive, still over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent the attacks (depending on the pot), making sure the flavor and Add salt and pepper if necessary.
The flour should ensure the smoothness of the stew and the meat should be tender and crumbly.
It can be eaten the next day or the next. It goes well with
la polenta o con un purè di patate.
Un modo per usare questo spezzatino quando avanza è quello di sminuzzarlo con una forchetta e farlo diventare una ragù per condire la pasta assieme a una generosa manciata di parmigiano reggiano.
SPEZZATINO SI VITELLO BOCCONCINI DI VITELLO AI FUNGHI Ingredienti per 6: -muscolo di vitello gr. 800
-funghi champignons kg 1 (anche in busta secchi)
-succo di 2-3 limoni spremuti (secondo la grandezza)
-olio evo
-peperoncino (come siete abituati)
-sale q.b.
-farina q.b.
Mettete a bagno i funghi secchi in una scodella con dell'acqua lukewarm.
should first delete unnecessary bold stew (not tolgliete because the nerves are very good and make it good meat). Cut the meat into small pieces so you do not have to then use the knife. Flour
stew while you put in a large pan on the fire stripped garlic and chilli.
Pour the stew in the pan and brown to brown. Be careful not to put everything together in the stew pan: Do not take on color, put a little 'and remove it when the time is still pink and before it is cooked. If necessary, add more oil every so often, garlic and chilli.
When you finish browning the stew poured into the same pan, thin sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms, stew it all together, lemon juice, salt and add a little 'stock (nut + water).
Cook as long as the water you will have almost completely dried.
STEW WITH POTATOES AND BEANS Ingredients for 6: -500 grams of stew meat (beef type) or 6 cherry tomatoes
-5 -3 -1
potatoes can of beans to Spain
-1 carrot
celery -1 -1 / 2 onion-pepper to taste
Put to boil a bit 'of water with a teaspoon of curry.
Take a pot from the edges of medium-high and pretty thick, best non-stick and put in brown with a little olive oil with the chopped celery, chopped carrot and onion into small pieces (sold ready-mixed frozen) pepper if you like the most. Meanwhile
flour stew.
Put the meat on the sauce and let it cook slowly (at will also put a clove). When
is beautiful browned on both sides pay a bit 'of water and curry so the meat does not stick to the pot and cook slowly.
Cut the potatoes into large squares and put them in the stew.
Then cover with a lid and let simmer.
Occasionally check the cooking and turn the stew with a wooden spoon.
Lasciate cuocere (aggiungendo acqua e curry o solo acqua a seconda dei gusti di tanto in tanto) per almeno 45/50 minuti.
Dopo inserite nella pentola tagliuzzati i pomodorini e per ultimi (quando mancano solo 10 minuti o meno alla fine della cottura) i fagioli.
Togliete il coperchio per far rapprendere il liquido e solo alla fine salate la carne (altrimenti viene dura...).
Servite caldo.
SPEZZATINO CLASSICO DI VITELLO Ingredienti per 4: -600 gr di spezzatino di vitello
-4 patate
-1 carota
-1 cipolla
-1 gambo di sedano
-1 scatola di pomodori pelati da 400 gr
-la scorzetta grattugiata di 1/2 limone
-1 cucchiaio di farina
-1 Tablespoon chopped parsley
-1 / 2 cup dry white wine vegetable broth
-olive-oil-salt and pepper
In an earthenware pot or a pan with high sides let simmer the carrot, celery and onion with a tablespoon of olive oil and a few tablespoons of broth for 5-6 minutes.
Add the chopped tomatoes and drained.
salt and cook on low heat.
On another frying pan heat 2 tablespoons oil and brown the meat, then drain them and add to vegetable stew.
Pour the stew with a glass of mulled wine, sprinkle with flour, pepper, put the lid on and cook for about 1 hour, 10 minutes after the first salt, if necessary, add un po' di brodo di tanto in tanto.
A metà cottura aggiungete le patate sbucciate e tagliate a tocchetti, regolate di sale e pepe e, qualche minuto prima della fine, aggiungete la scorzetta di limone.
Lasciate riposare lo spezzatino a pentola coperta per alcuni minuti, cospargetelo di prezzemolo tritato prima di servirlo.
SPEZZATINO DI MAIALE BOCCONCINI DI MAIALE ALLO ZAFFERANO Ingredienti: -700 gr di spezzatino di maiale
-½ scalogno tritato (piccolo cipollotto)
-2 rametti di timo al limone
-1 bustina di zafferano
-pepe colorato
-vino bianco
-farina q. b.
Rosolate lo scalogno nell'olio, infarinate la carne, togliete con un colino la farina in eccesso ed aggiungetela al soffritto.
Mettete il timo ed il vino bianco e fate evaporare.
Sciogliete lo zafferano in acqua calda ed unitelo alla carne, se necessario aggiungete altra acqua calda per la cottura.
Quasi alla fine aggiungete altro timo.
MAIALE AL CURRY CON LE MELE Ingredienti per 4: -spezzatino di maiale 800gr.
-cipolline fresche 3/4
-mele golden (gialle) 2 grandi
-curry 1 cucchiaino
-preparato pronto per purè (tipo pfanni) 2 cucchiai (o farina bianca)
-olio d'oliva 4 cucchiai
In un tegame con i bordi un po' alti fate soffriggere le cipolline sminuzzate nell'olio, aggiungete lo spezzatino e fatelo rosolare a fuoco vivace e se vi piace sfumate (=versate il vino e fate evaporare) con un po' di vino bianco.
Abbassate la fiamma e fate cuocere almeno 45 minuti aggiungendo un po' di acqua calda se serve.
Unite il curry e le mele tagliate a dadini piccoli e continuate la cottura.
Regolate di sale senza esagerare perché pochi minuti prima di spegnere(quando le mele saranno un po' disfatte) si aggiunge il preparato per purè che è già saporito.
Amalgamate per qualche minuto e controllate se occorre altro sale (deve sentirsi un po' il dolce delle mele).
SPEZZATINO TURKEY / CHICKEN TURKEY STEW QUICK Ingredients for 4: -1 turkey breast (400-500 g)
-1 / 2 glass of red wine
-flour-olive oil
Chop the turkey breast and dip in flour.
Heat the oil in a large pan, add the turkey and brown well. Pour the wine over high heat and when it is almost evaporated, add the broth.
cook covered over medium heat.
Tip: serve with a smooth puree. : P
TURKEY STEW SPICY LEMON Ingredients: -1 turkey stew (formerly cut or take the slices and then cut into strips)
-1 -1 lemon garlic
-1 -1 teaspoon ground ginger teaspoon cinnamon
-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan
high-sided heat the oil, saute the garlic, add spices (cinnamon and ginger) and then release the aromas.
Now add the diced turkey and brown evenly.
Add salt to taste, add the juice of one lemon and a few strips of lemon zest.
Stir well, then cook semi covered for 10-15 minutes.
If burning the bottom add a bit 'of water.
COUNCIL: because the meat is more Always soft flour it before cooking
Bon appetit!