request today we talk about the bread, that you can not eat any more without putting a strain on our teeth.
The dry bread can be used in many ways, especially as an ingredient of the first and desserts. Within seconds you can grate it (or chop in a food processor) and use as bread crumbs.
Here are some recipe:

-Chick peas (canned or jar that do not require long cooking)
-stale bread
-2 slices of onion
-1 Pomodoro a pezzetti privato dei semi o 3 cucchiai di salsa
-Olio d'oliva
-1 gambo di sedano
Prendete un pentolino e scaldateci dell'acqua con un po' di dado (1 litro d'acqua=1dado).
Prendete il pane raffermo e sminuzzatelo in una grossa terrina (1 panino di 200gr va bene per 1-2 porzioni).
Versate in una pentola (meglio se di coccio. In questo caso tra il fuoco e la pentola dovete mettere una retina spargi fiamma) l'olio, il pomodoro, la cipolla, il sedano ed il sale.
Fate soffriggere per 2 minuti e aggiungete i ceci, mescolate e versate il brodo (dipende quanti siete, quanti ceci fate e se volete la minestra densa o liquida: voi scaldatene 1 litro e poi vi regolate secondo i vostri gusti.
Fate cuocere per 10 minuti.
A cottura ultimata versate la zuppa nella terrina dove prima avete messo il pane raffermo tagliato a tocchetti.
NB con lo stesso procedimento potete usare altri tipi di legumi.
Zuppa di pane e lenticchie
Ingredienti (x 4):
-200 g di lenticchie
-4 fette di pane raffermo (o un panino da 200-300 gr)
-2 spicchi di aglio
-1 porro (o 2 fette di cipolla)
-1 rametto di timo (o un cucchiaino di quello secco)
-2 uova
-150 cl di brodo (che significa 150 gr)
-Olio d'oliva
Qui dovete iniziare per tempo perchè dovete tenere a bagno le lenticchie 2 ore.
Scolatele, mettetele in a pot with garlic, white part of leek, cut in thin rings (or onion) and thyme.
Cook for 2 minutes, stirring and salt.
Cover with the broth and cook for 2 hours, adding hot water if necessary.
Pass the bread slices (if you have a sandwich or slice it into pieces if not break it managed to slice it) into the beaten eggs and salt. Take a pan, put oil and let it brown.
dry them on kitchen paper and arrange on the bottom of individual bowls.
Cover them with the lentils.
Sprinkle with pepper and topped with a dribble of oil.

Omelet with bread
Ingredients (x4) -6
eggs (if you're alone, 1 or 2 eggs)
-2 slices of bread (or a sandwich from 200-300 grams)
-2 tablespoons of grated cheese, milk
- 1 knob of butter-parsley
-2 tablespoons olive oil Salt
Remove the crust from the bread, pick up the crumbs in a bowl and cover with milk (if you have a sandwich instead of slices of bread, Soak it all, if the crust is thick, you may remove the later).
In a bowl, beat eggs, add the squeezed bread, grated cheese, a bit 'of chopped parsley, salt and pepper.
Stir well until the bread is softened. In a pan heat
two tablespoons of olive oil and a knob of butter, pour the mixture and let brown on both sides.
veal chop Milanese
-meat (the real veal cutlet is the knot with the bone, but you can also use slices of chicken or beef. If you do have to use the knot beat with pestacarne otherwise it is of marble. ..). Count a knot or 2 slices per person
-1 beaten egg (good for 1-2 servings)
-old bread crumbs / chopped (you can always use the breadcrumbs ready, but the bread is good)
-butter and oil for frying
Take the slices of meat or knot and dip them in beaten egg, salt-free. Rest in bread crumbs, pressing lightly with your hand to make the breading stick well on both sides. Fry in butter
very abundant (optional, but recommended adding a little oil), moving frequently to prevent them from attacking, but turning them once. Initially the fire must be alive, and then goes down a little (the butter should not darken).
Cook up to 4 minutes per side, as the chop should still be slightly pink inside.
then place it on a paper towel to drain the excess fat (hint: replace the paper a couple of times).
At this point add salt and serve.

bread Ingredients: -300 grams of dry bread
1 liter of milk-sugar
-2 eggs -1
handful of raisins (optional)
-100 grams of dark chocolate into pieces and apple-
/ or nuts (if you like) good
Soak bread in hot milk and add the beaten eggs.
Accendet eil oven to 200 degrees.
Add the chocolate pieces and if you also like chopped apples, walnuts and raisins.
Mix well and pour into a baking pan covered with parchment paper (24 cm in diameter, or if you have a rectangular 30 cm diagonal)
Bake for 1 hour. A
votla ready and let cool spolerizzate with the icing sugar.
This is a recipe my grandmother ... it's good for power: p
Enjoy everyone!
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