recipe quickie today ...
This is the cake of my grandmother for excellence, very suitable for this season (and also very very fast to do):)
One trick: it takes ... the ring mold (diameter of about 35-40 cm)
Ingredients (you see a smaller print, halved doses): -150
cups sugar -4 eggs
-150 g flour -1 tablespoon baking
-150 -300 gr gr butter
chestnut jam
-1 tablespoon rum (or Strega liqueur or whiskey )
If you have a mixer use it: put the ingredients in a blender in the order above. Whisk the first time after you put sugar and eggs and then after you add each ingredient.
For the butter cut into pieces before putting the dough.
Se non avete il mixer, tirate fuori il burro dal frigo in modo che si ammorbidisca.
Nel frattempo, sbattete le uova con lo zucchero e poi aggiungete farina e lievito setacciati per evitare che si formino grumi.
In un'altra terrina mescolate la marmellata di castagne con il burro e il cucchiaio di liquore, finchè l'impasto non è omogeneo (questo è il lavoro più lungo, per questo vi consiglio vivamente il mixer, o almeno di lasciare il burro fuori dal frigo mezza giornata per risparmiare tempo e fatica...però vi sconsiglio di mettere il burro sul termosifone).
Quando sono amalgamati per bene, uniteli all'altro impasto e mescolate bene.
A impasto pronto accendete il forno a 180°.
Prendete the ring mold and imburratelo: here you have to overcome the "disgusting" to pick up the butter and spread over all good for the inside of the mold. After that you
flour pan: Pour 1 tablespoon of flour into the mold and then shake the mold and let it run like a wheel so that the flour from sticking to the walls.
Now pour the mixture all over the mold and bake for 45 minutes.
Once ready, turn off the oven and leave cake inside for 15 minutes.
to "transform" the cake (pull out the cake from the mold) or have the stamp "hinge" (which can be removed), or you have to wait for it to cool well.
When the cake is cold, take a dish, place it over the mold and flip it all so that the cake falls on the plate. You'll probably need a little chess' the mold to help the cake to come out (the springform pan is much more comfortable).
Bon appetit!
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