Hello everyone, today
topic "healthy." So many people do not love it, unless they are potatoes, but also give some advice to prepare. Any vegetables can be cooked in many ways: boiled, steamed, fried, stewed, baked, fried or grilled.
pan-In: Take a pan with a little 'oil (just the bottom of the pan). cut carrots into slices not too thick and pour into pan. Season with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat until they are tender. Stir often to prevent sticking.
-Chips: Make a batter with flour and eggs (1 egg, 3 tablespoons of flour enough for 500g of carrots). Grate carrots, throw it into the batter and Meholah well. Take a pan with high sides and pour the peanut oil. When the oil is hot buttateci carrots and cook until golden.

-oil and season with salt and let them eat them
- 2 miunti jump in the pan with a little 'oil and salt (more tasty).

-In frying pan is cooking faster (20-30 min) but the most committed itself because you have to check back often to prevent burning. Take a frying pan (preferably from the edges a bit 'high) and put a little' oil (not too much otherwise they become too greasy). Cut the potatoes into cubes (no larger than 1 cm per side) and throw them in hot oil (because eye diagram). Salt, pepper and season to taste (as well as you can season with salt and pepper to taste: rosemary, oregano, thyme, red pepper). Then cook over medium heat stirring frequently because otherwise burn on one side and raw on the other remain. We put less oil and more often you turn, make the crust more. To speed up the cooking, after 5 minutes you can cover with a lid, but you must always be careful not to burn.
Variation: Cut the potatoes into thin slices and throw it in hot oil for a few minutes will the chips. In this way, it takes even less;)
Al-oven is cooking that combines style and ease, but it takes a little 'more (1 hour of cooking). Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and take a baking dish (even a frying pan is fine, the important is that potatoes are not all piled up, lie flat). Put the pan in a piece of parchment paper otherwise the potatoes will stick (and then another that Cillit Bang to clean ...). Cut the potatoes to your liking (wedges, slices, cubes) and put them into the pan. Dress with oil (not too much, say 1 tablespoon per serving), salt, pepper, rosemary or oregano, garlic and mix thoroughly, Bake in hot oven and cook for 1 hour (stir halfway through cooking I recommend a bit ') . The papate cook for themselves, so you can do anything in the meantime. After 50 min turn on the grill so that they form a crust.
-Lesse/al steam: it is the easiest recipe ever, ma non molto gustosa. La differenza tra lessarle e farle al vapore e che se le lessate è preferibile che le sbucciate una volta cotte. Possono essere condite a piacimento e mangiate sia calde che fredde (il condimento tipico è olio, sale e prezzemolo). Perchè siano cotte ci vuole 3/4 - 1 ora (a seconda della dimesione delle patate).
-Fritte: per le patate fritte è congliabile usare la friggitrice. Sono abbastanza veloci da cucinare (la cosa lunga è tagliarle a listarelle, a meno che non abbiate l'apposito strumento), ma non ve le consiglio se vivete in un monolocale...

potatoes (I use 4 large potatoes 2 large portions)
butter 250 ml milk (dose for 4 potatoes)
salt Boil the potatoes with the skin for at least 50 min (with a fork infilzatele: if the fork sinks into the potato without effort are ready).
Once cooked remove from fire, but not wait for it to cool before peeling them. Then take another pot and a potato masher (if you do not, pottie use the masher, potato masher, but it is better).
Put milk to boil (for 2 portions using 250 ml of milk). Attnzione Do not burn it (when it starts to make a film turn it off at the surface)
Peel the potatoes (not to burn yourself infilazele with a fork and peel with a knife) one at a time and as the peeled mash with a potato masher dentrto the new pot. Once this is complete and adds 3-4 thin slices of butter (dose for 2-3 servings). Mix well with a spoon (preferably wood).
Now put it back on low heat and continue stirring slowly add the milk until it reaches the consistency you prefer.
Add salt to taste (for the dose of 4 potatoes usually use 1 teaspoon).
Enjoy. If you puree
advances can keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To take a small pan and heat it up without adding latte scaldateci il purea mescolando in continuazione.
NB: perchè il purea sia buono dovete lessare le patate con la buccia, schiacciarle ancora calde con lo schiacciapatate e aggiungere il latte CALDO,altrimenti si fanno i grumi!!!
-Alla piastra: lessate le patate per mezz'ora circa, sbucciatele, fatele a fette spesse di 1 cm e mettele sulla piastra calda. Fate cuocere per qualche minuto da etrambre le parti.
-In umido: di solito quando si fa lo spezzatino si aggiungono le patate nnella stessa padella. Quando manca 1/2 circa alla fine della cottura dello spezzatino in umido (con la salsa), aggiungete le patate sbucciate e tagliate a cubetti. Non vanno ulteriormente condite: assorbono il condimento della carne e sono ottime.

round tomatoes, cut in half and put them on the plate of the oven (covered with a piece of parchment paper). Make a mixture of bread crumbs, salt, pepper and parsley and divide it with a spoon on the tomatoes.
Bake for 1 / 2 hour. (After cooking if you have not made the crust on the bread crumbs turn on the grill for 5 minutes).

-In frying pan in a pan put oil and onions, cut the courgettes and pour into pan. Season with salt, pepper and basil or oregano. Bake for 45 minutes.
-Baked: Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Cut the zucchini in half for the deep and then in half lengthwise. Take the plate of the oven, put on a piece of parchment paper over the zucchini and lean, with the interior chiarorivolto to the other. In a scodellla do a mixture of bread crumbs, salt, parsley and olive oil with a teaspoon and put it on the zucchini. Bake for 1 hour (long, but do not require assistance menttre cook and can do more). At the end of cooking if you have not formed a crust, turn on the grill for 5 minutes.
-fried, the most laborious of all. Take a pot and boil water. Meanwhile, prepare the batter, mixing beer, flour and salt: should be a creamy consistency. I recommend that you sift the flour into the beer to avoid lumps (or use the biscuit to mix beer with flour. When the water boils mingle in the whole zucchini for 2 minutes max. Drain, talgiatele into strips and dip them in batter. Let stand for a few minutes and when the oil in the pan or in the fryer is hot dip until golden brown.
And if you have little time and no desire to cook then I suggest the following solutions:
-4 sautéed and similar (very good outline "Mediterranean" with potatoes, zucchini, peppers and eggplant)
-fried potatoes, croquettes, baked potatoes to be cooked frozen (there are also fried potatoes cooked in the oven: excellent)
-canned vegetables Bonduelle and the like, in this case, take a pan, put a little 'and pour the vegetable oil after removing the water in which it is immersed. For canned peas and carrots seasoned with salt and pepper to the beans used salt, pepper and sage; for faglioli seasoned with salt, pepper, sage and tomato sauce
If you do not use more than the microwave, many supermarkets in the department sell food already cooked and seasoned vegetables ... just warm them.
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