Hello everyone, today we talk about
super versatile and quick to cook thin slices of meat.
are often sold in supermarkets in packs of 2-3 servings and change the dressing, even if the meat is the same kind of help do not turn into chickens, pigs, calves, depending on the stock purchased (provided that you can always freeze the second the tips of my post "the freezer": p).
The slices of meat are usually turkey, chicken, veal and pork. I propose here some recipe for all (keep in mind that chicken and turkey are interchangeable: the recipes for a are also fine for the other).
Before 3 tips to keep the meat tender:
-if you have a meat pounder pounded the slices on both sides (strongly recommended to use a plank of wood with a cloth folded under)
-flour the slices before cooking
- cook for 30 minutes at most chicken and turkey 10-15 minutes the calf and the pig.
Note: All amounts are per 300 grams of meat around.

- tomato and basil
basil (chopped fresh-frozen over the counter)
salt-and pepper-sliced \u200b\u200bchicken
Take a large skillet (Depending on how many slices you have) and scaldateci a bit 'of oil. After 2 minutes agiungete the slices of meat and brown 2 minutes per side. Now add the sauce (4 tbsp is good for 3-4 ounces of meat) and basil. Season with salt and pepper to taste and cook for 20 minutes max.
-baked spicy
-oil-pepper, marjoram, oregano, thyme (alternatively mixed spices "Italian" in supermarkets)
-sale-sliced \u200b\u200bchicken
Preheat the oven to 180 ° . Take a baking dish or pan that can go in the oven and put in a piece of parchment paper large enough to close a package. Put the slices
over the parchment paper, cospaargete with a handful of spices, salt and extra virgin olive oil (1 tablespoon to slice). Close
the slices into the baking paper and bake for around 30 minutes.
You can also cook in a pan the same way.
- with cherry tomatoes and olives
-7 / 8 cherry tomatoes (good for 200g of meat), black olives
-2 cloves of garlic (garlic in altrenativa dry, is among the spices. It just the tip of a teaspoon)
-onion (diced ready in refrigerated)
-1 / 2 cup white wine
Cover the bottom of a frying pan with a little 'oil oil and then fry the whole cloves of garlic and onion. When the garlic is golden, remove and cook another 2 minutes (if that's dry you can leave it in). Add the chicken, the tomatoes and top lying in the pan upside down, a little 'pepper to taste, olives and white wine.
Cover the pan with a lid and cook the chicken and turning salandolo on both sides until the sauce is not nearly curdled (20 minutes).
Before you serve add the chopped basil and serve hot.

-1 teaspoon curry
parsley Sauté onion in oil for 2 minutes. Add the sliced \u200b\u200bturkey, salt and fry for 2 minutes turning on both sides. Add the curry
spreading it over the entire meat (dose for 2-3 ounces of meat). Bake for 20 minutes covered, possibly by adding half a glass of water and a piece of nut to prevent burning.
cooked, sprinkle with a little 'of parsley and served with thyme-
-lemon-broth (2 cups water + 1 / 4 dice or 1 / 2 teaspoon if that's what granular)
-1 tablespoon salted capers
-1 large handful of timo
-il succo di 1 limone
-olio e sale
Scaldate l'olio in una padella e metteteci le fettine a rosolare 1 minuto per lato. Versateci il succo di limone e il brodo caldo.
Fate cuocere per 12-13 minuti circa e regolate il sale.
Poco prima di spegnere aggiungete il timo e i capperi spezzetati.
Fate insaporire mescolando bene e servite
-alle noci (o pinoli)
-cipolla (2 fettine)
-2 cucchiai di gherigli di noci tritati (o di pinoli). Le nocisi trovano già in gherigli al supermercato, di solito dove c'è la roba per preparare le torte)
-2 dl di panna
-rosmarino (1 rametto fresco o un cucchiaino di quello secco)
-2 o 3 foglie di salvia (o un cucchiaino di quella secca)
-vino bianco secco
-sale e pepe
-burro (1 fetta larga 1 dito) o olio
Rosolate la cipolla nel burro (o l'olio) con la salvia, il rosmarino e le noci (o i pinoli). Dopo 2-3 minuti unite le fettine di carne e fatele rosolare per 4-5 minuti da entrambi i lati.
Salate, pepate e aggiungete il vino bianco. fate cuocere fino a quando non sarà evaporato quasi completamente.
Togliete le scaloppine dalla padella. Unite la panna alla sugo rimasto in padella e fate addensare 2 minuti a fuoco medio. Rimettete le fettine nella padella, fate insaporire per 2 minuti e servite.

-al prosciutto
-1 thick slice of ham (about 100g), or diced ham, cream of refrigerated
-salt-butter (or oil)
Cook the meat with butter (10 minutes max) and in the meantime Cut the ham into strips or cubes. Place the meat in a dish and put on a lid, in the same pan fry the ham, add the cream and allow to thicken, put the meat in the pan and cook everything.
Marsala Ingredients: Marsala-
few tablespoons
Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, add the scallops, brown, salt and turns. Cook the steaks about 3 minutes on each side. Sprinkle the Marsala, let it evaporate and serve hot.
-peas with
Ingredients: -200 gr
. peas (canned) -3
bay leaves -1 / 2 cup white wine nutmeg
-extra-virgin olive oil-salt
Fry the steaks 2 minutes in a pan with the bay leaf and a little oil. Salt, add a sprinkling of nutmeg and cook. Add the peas, add the wine and cook.
PS The frozen peas are better: if you want to use these, you must first Vare cook the peas for at least 25 minutes (vd recipes on vegetables) and then add the meat and cook the recipe as above.
-oil-onion-paprika spicy
Heat oil with onion. Add the pork slices and subjected to 2 tablespoons of paprika. Add salt and pepper. Cook for 10-15 minutes turning up to both sides. Serve
-bacon and juniper
Ingredients: -100 gr
smoked bacon, diced (see in the supermarket chiller cabinet)
-1 teaspoon juniper berries (they are among the spices)
-oil-salt and
Brown the pepper oil with the bacon. When well browned, add the slices. Add salt and pepper and sprinkle with crushed juniper (Wedge it between your fingers to open the berries). Bake for 10-15 minutes at most. Serve.
-1 apple (red or golden. NOT green apples)
-butter salt and pepper-onion
Wash and peel the apple. Cut it into small pieces (if you have a food processor or crescent used ones). Fry off the butter in a saucepan with the onion, add the chopped apple and stir 5 minutes after Lay the slices of meat in the bowl, leaving brown on both sides. Then sprinkle with white wine and let it evaporate over high heat. In all be cooked up to 15 minutes
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