Friday, April 23, 2010

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After the celebration of the national leadership of the party, next Tuesday the president Silvio Berlusconi will face the "Case Sicily."

With the hope that at the table of "political considerations" Does anyone remember what happened in Sciacca during the local elections last year, the results of which were highly specific to the cleavage direction in the PDL Siciliano, I consider it necessary (for the topicality of the issues raised) dust off that foolish pre-election period, a facsimile of a post referred to a video journalistic of time, which is even immortalized on You Tube and before which words seem superfluous!


Post a few months ago

"Browsing the internet I came across this video captured on youtube. These are the images of the Pact of San Michele , ie the maxi agreement between the Left Sciacca, PD in the head, the MPA, bits and pieces of the UDC current Mannino current PDL Cimino. All against one .... against Mario Turton , guilty of stability governed by the City for 5 years , guilty of public expectations have created works for over 40 years, finally convicted of being the official candidate of the PDL (and therefore the President Berlsconi) and sincere and loyal friend of Hon. the Angelino Alfano, the Minister of Justice !
We all know the outcome of the elections of 6 / 7 June 2009: even though we were alone against all, we get the first round 33% of the votes (4 points more than the victorious 2004 elections), but for just 300 votes do not reach the ballot. the ballot without the drag effect of lists of candidates to the board, I am convinced that we would repeat the success of 2004. of what I believe they were above my opponents, so much so that the Pact of San Michele was first launched with the aim of to kill me first shift, playing on the greatest number of listings available to them. to tell the truth, that the Pact of San Michele did not then materialize in its original configuration (the one immortalized in the images), in fact, the UDC would be soon out of the pact to run alone with its own candidate for mayor , others would return to the parent, others have tried to self-nomination.
In fact, however, that Covenant has never failed! were all together (although apparently separate) with the one and only purpose: to prevent myself from continuing to make the Mayor of Sciacca for 5 years.

as he said his friend Angelino Alfano in its meeting in Sciacca: ".... important for them not to elect a mayor who knows how to govern, the important thing is that Mario Turton has ceased to be the mayor ..... Mario apparently you said something not expensive too! "

Mario Turton

Monday, April 19, 2010

Southern Slang For Thank You'

Mpa and IDV are with Ispica! Remember what they said in Sciacca?

Adapted from
Ispica: Mpa and IdV to argue Barone sindacatura.

The candidate for mayor Pippo Barone collects the support of the Movement for autonomy (Mpa), after that of Italy of Values (IDV). The waiver Mpa then ran alone in the elections next May 30 and the center-left coalition, which will support Barone, then climb to seven lists. Thus overcoming one of the center, which will drop from seven to six lists. New perspectives
movement (represented by dissidents of the Democratic Party (PD)), in fact, almost certainly will place their candidates on the list of Ispica Alliance, which is a rib of the People of Freedom (PDL) in the National Alliance (An), established under the aegis of Mr Carmelo Incardona.
thus remains unchanged the heads up among the candidates for mayor Piero Rustico (a leader in coalition dentrodestra) and Baron, seeing other sights on the horizon are not competitors. If not, perhaps, what might serve as a leader in the list of Spring Ispica, in the person of Joseph Di Giorgio secretary of the movement. But, of course, nothing has yet been made official. However, it remains unchanged, then fourteen, the number of lists of candidates for city council in the running in the upcoming electoral contest. Indeed, the movement Ispicamare not run with a list and with its own candidate for mayor in the next administration. The
Mpa and Baron have formed an alliance last week, uniting itself in the difficult attempt to beat Rustico, lists maintained by very strong, such as those of the PDL, Mayor Rustico, Union of Christian Democrats (UDC), Popular Liberal Alliance for Ispica Ispica and tomorrow. While, in center, the potential list is yet to be proven. Apart from the Democratic Party, in fact, the other lists that make up the coalition (IDV, Italian Socialist Party, Alliance for Italy, freedom and good government, and Together for ispica Mpa) must work hard to overcome the barrier imposed by five percent .

The MPA has also set with Ispica Together for a federative pact, preparatory to the establishment of the Party of the South, which will become part of both political parties. Log

while alive today in the election campaign Rustico. Tonight, at 21, come in square Brancati the staff of the PDL and the UDC in support of their candidate. Speakers, in addition Cottage, Mr Innocent Leontini, Peppe Drago, Nino Minardo, Incardona and Councilor Salvatore Moltisanti.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How O Save Pkemon Emerald On Mac


The list Sciacca Force expresses disappointment at the total lack of interest expressed by Mayor Vito Bono faced with the problem of increased cost of water for use irriqui that affected our farmers.
We expected a determined and influential mayor of the city towards the top of the Consortium for reclamation and the President of the Lombardy Region, its political ally, however, and none of that!
Rather there was a deafening silence that demonstrates the superficiality with which the Mayor of the City 'manages the problems of our farmers, even the most easily solved as the farmer's market.
remember that the farmer's market was funded by the administration Turton, thanks to an agreement signed in December 2008 with the former Regional Councillor for Agriculture Giovanni La Via.
This was an important goal to which the former commissioner had worked Gianluca Guardino aimed at protecting the consumer in two respects, the economic with the abatement costs to sell per minute and under the aspect of quality of agricultural produce with the observance of standards of quality and traceability. "
The farmer's market has been bequeathed to the current administration already "good and ready" to leave. And instead of seeing
amazed and saddened that, after one year, the process for the birth of the farmer's market and 'still on the high seas, and everything else for obvious responsibility of the municipal administration in office that has so far excelled in slow and indecision, sinanco over the siting of the market, incredible to believe, it changes from day to day as if nothing had happened, becoming a real joke for the whole city.
List Force Sciacca

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Sciacca support Vito Bono, read what happens in Rome! A SILVIO

Adapted from


ROME - Think carefully about this decision to create independent groups because 'if you do the inevitable consequence would be that of having to leave the presidency of the Chamber. Silvio Berlusconi, referring to the sources of the majority, so he replied 'the President of the Chamber, Gianfranco Fini, who during the lunch Deputies have mentioned the possibility to create independent groups. Knight's warning, according to the same sources, Fini reserved the right to communicate a decision within the next week. Now
''Berlusconi has the right to examine the situation and I feel duty bound to wait calmly for its assessment,''Fini said in a statement released after his dealings with Berlusconi.
SCHIFANI: IF YOU COME BACK TO DIVIDE THE MAJORITY VOTE -''When a majority is divided not only have to give voice to the voters.'' Said Senate President Renato Schifani.

MOUTHPIECE: GROUP SELF? SI 'SE negative feedback -''The independent groups can be arrived where negative responses to the problems.'' This was stated by the deputy leader of the PDL, Italo Bocchino, speaking with reporters outside the House.

COORDINATORS FOR A PDL: CONDUCT incomprehensible -''The italiani hanno riconfermato la fiducia al governo e premiato il progetto del Pdl''. Per questo, in una nota, i coordinatori del Pdl Denis Verdini, Sandro Bondi ed Ignazio La Russa parlano di ''profonda amarezza per l'atteggiamento dell'On. Gianfranco Fini, che appare sempre piu' incomprensibile rispetto ad un progetto politico comune per il quale abbiamo lavorato concordemente in questi ultimi anni, un progetto di importanza storica che gode di un consenso maggioritario nel popolo italiano''

DI PIETRO: BENE FINI, HA APERTO GLI OCCHI - ''Per il bene del Paese prima ci liberiamo del sistema piduista, che sta portando avanti Berlusconi nel governare non solo il Paese, ma anche nel guidare il Parlamento, meglio . Mi fa piacere che lo abbia Fini also understood and I hope that next time they understand the Italians''so 'the leader of IDV, Antonio di Pietro, at the news of a possible formation of autonomous groups from Members Finian.

FINI: BERLUSCONI SHOULD GOVERN FOR ENTIRE LEGISLATURE -''Berlusconi to govern until the end of the term because 'so' wanted the Italians. The PDL, which I helped found, and 'the essential tool because it' s what happens. Therefore, the PDL should be strengthened, not weakened. This 'organizational choices but also what it means' requires that the PDL be fully aware of being a great national party, attentive to the social cohesion of the entire country, able to give convincing answers ai bisogni economici del mondo del lavoro e delle famiglie, garante della legalita' e dei diritti civili, motore di riforme istituzionali equilibrate e quanto piu' possibile condivise. Ho rappresentato tutto cio' al Presidente Berlusconi''. E' quanto afferma Gianfranco Fini dopo il colloquio con Silvio Berlusconi.ù

FINIANI RIUNITI: SI FA LA 'CONTA' DEI FEDELISSIMI - Italo Bocchino, Carmelo Briguglio, Andrea Ronchi, Flavia Perina, Roberto Menia, Giulia Bongiorno, Enzo Raisi, Amedeo Laboccetta, Adolfo Urso, Pasquale Viespoli, Alessandro Ruben. Sono alcuni dei 'finiani' di stretta osservanza che, immediatamente dopo il teso vertice tra Berlusconi e Fini negli appartamenti del presidente della Camera a Montecitorio, si sono riuniti nello studio di Fini. Si e' ad un punto di non ritorno, dopo che il presidente della Camera ha annunciato al premier di essere pronto a costituire gruppi autonomi alla Camera? ''Di fronte a risposte negative ai problemi politici posti da Fini si''', spiega Italo Bocchino. I numeri minimi per costituire gruppo sono di venti deputati alla Camera e dieci senatori a Palazzo Madama. E stando alla 'conta' che in queste ore i finiani vanno svolgendo, si puo' toccare la soglia. Difficile non definire finiani 'icto oculi' esponenti della vecchia Alleanza Nazionale come Donato Lamorte, Francesco Proietti, Angela Napoli, Silvano Moffa, Riccardo Migliori, Mirko Tremaglia, Basilio Catanoso, Giuseppe Scalia, Antonino Lo Presti. O nuovi 'finiani' Gianfranco Paglia or as Fabio Granata. In the House already 'so' you exceed the number of twenty. In the Senate, to serve ten senators group. And how 'Finian' can be recruited Viespoli Pasquale, Filippo Berselli, Luigi Ramponi, Pierfrancesco Gamba, Laura Allen, Anthony Caruso, Giuseppe Valentino, Mario Baldassarri, Domenico Gramazio, Domenico Benedetti Valentini, Vincenzo Nespoli. Even in the Senate and the threshold of the ten 'exceeded.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vijay (actor) Christianity


I have read an interview in the weekly Controvoce issued by the Minister Silvio Caracappa.
Far from wanting to do with controversy and conspiracy Silvio (for me is always a dear friend), I would simply point out to him that among the causes of my re-election has not failed to indicate one, which I think is the most 'important and especially more true.
The war inside the PDL at the regional level was the real reason for the late (and therefore not very useful) ricandidatura my support group that is headed by Hon Sciacca. The Michael Cimino.
To return to those days, just read what is happening these days.
It 's been a year, but nothing has changed, even if you were to vote now for the communal situation would be even more complicated and volatile. With
's friendship forever, I hope you enjoy reading Dear Silvio!
Signed, Mario Turton

* Adapted from Agrigento Flash
vitriolic verbal clashes between Alfano and Micciché
"I say to my former friend, Angelino Alfano, and that 'very optimistic about a reunification of the PDL, which I would not want to end up as Jews of Germany optimistic that they ended the '. " Said the Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianfranco Micciche ', founder of the PDL Sicily, in response to the keeper who yesterday said they believed in the reunification of the PDL on the island. Micciche 'spoke in Caltanissetta, during the convention of innovations, the current association of Pd-Lombardo close to the government, and announced the birth of the Party of the Sicilian people. This replication of the Minister of Justice: "I read with dismay the statements Micciche 'that evoke the tragedy of the Holocaust in relation to internal political events insignificant compared to the sensitive topic and I know he touched to interpret the thought and sensitivity' of Minister Franco Frattini said that the words of Micciche 'are serious as they contribute to the trivialization of evil, which must always be absolutely sure to avoid. " "The reprehensible approach made by the Secretary-continues Alfano - leads me to express my solidarity 'to Israel and to the community' Italian Jewish, reaffirming the duty of memory which, as an individual and as a politician, never intend to fail. " And again: "If Miccichè really believes in what it says it does not need to announce any day that then it does not, namely quest'immaginifico party of the south." "Just do it - continues Alfano - if not a bluff, or worse, blackmail to Prime Minister Berlusconi and the PDL national. Take a serious talk with national and regional parliamentarians that so far have believed in him and tell them the truth 'will no longer be' the candidate with the PDL and the name of Berlusconi but a symbol now unknown, as the party of the south and with my face, of Miccichè. "It goes without saying - osserva il ministro – che non sarà un nostro alleato poichè noi tutti siamo stati eletti con i voti di Silvio Berlusconi. Per quanto mi riguarda mi impegnerò per interrompere questa telenovela, insieme a tutti coloro i quali credono che il cammino politico di Berlusconi sia ancora lungo e pieno di successi, affinchè questo cammino sia posto al riparo dal ricatto di chi vuole usare i voti del presidente Berlusconi contro il presidente Berlusconi”. ”Auspico infine – conclude Alfano – che tutti coloro i quali sono stati eletti in parlamento con il Pdl di provenienza Forza Italia, si esprimano pubblicamente con la correttezza che ha distinto i parlamentari ex Alleanza nazionale che hanno ripetutamente ribadito che, prescindendo by the events of the regional government, never, never join the party all'immaginifico the south, remaining within the PDL. "