Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is There Broadcasting Camp

gilthead Trieste

Ciao a tutti!

questa settimana una ricettina buona buona e facile facile per il pesce. Ho scritto "orata" ma va bene anche la spigola, il rombo, e direi anche il merluzzo e il pangasio.


-orata (o altro pesce intero pulito o a filetto)
-virgin olive oil


-pepper-tomato sauce, chopped


Take a large frying pan (depending on how much is the fish) and put 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil.
Add salt, garlic, parsley and pepper (amount veriabili depending on how much fish do: Let's say that for 3 whole bream will serve 1 / 2 teaspoon salt, 1 garlic, chopped parsley and 1 1 / 4 of chillies).
lit the fire and heat the oil.
When the garlic begins to sizzle Put fish in pan and brown on both sides.
Now put 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce (many tablespoons those are fish) and cook covered about 15 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally fish.
Enjoy ... slurp!

Excellent served with potatoes, baked, or boiled and made the first season in the pan with the fish;)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thick Creamy Cervical Mucus Day 27 Of Cycle


Se nel cimitero di Sciacca non ci sono piu' loculi e le bare restano ammassate nel magazzino della camera mortuaria per giorni e giorni le colpe non vanno certamente attribuite my administration, if anything, to slow and the indecision of who governs the city today.
's very serious and shameful that this had never happened in the past, and could be avoided without any particular effort and with minimal programming. Councillor Turton
statements issued during the session of the City Council last night esterefatti leave, when one considers that the same rather than to give exhaustive answers on how to project financing in place, which is characterized by slow and mysterious twists it inappropriate and has experimented with in the usual practice of passing the buck.
And 'a practice that can work, it worked a coma, during the campaign elettorale, ma che alla prova dei fatti non regge più, e di questo oggi la Città ne è consapevole, costretta com'è a tastare, ogni giorno che passa, il grado di inefficienza di una amministrazione cittadina che non riesce nemmeno ad assicurare un servizio ordinario, quale quello della sepoltura dei defunti.
Nel merito della questione ritengo opportuno aggiungere che la mia amministrazione non solo aveva lasciato una situazione di assoluta normalità e tranquillità, ma aveva anche avviato l'iter amministrativo per l'approvazione del Piano urbanistico per l’ampliamento dell’area cimiteriale, iter di cui non è dato sapere più nulla !
Altresì, si rimane esterefatti dalle dichiarazioni del sindaco Vito Bono on the water issue, particularly the seals over the wells to Girgenti Water.
himself in saying that he would not have made that choice, not familiar with the provisions of law regulating the matter, or perhaps consider that you are still in full
election campaign.
fact just go on the website of Auto Water, an organization of which he is also member of the board of directors to read the 'Article 7 of the Convention between the ATO and the managing company, which provides: "For the supply of the service are Manager assigned to the sources of supply in place used to supply drinking water of the area object of trust, e specificate nel Piano d’Ambito”.
A meno che il rispetto della legge sia da considerare un optional in una città “normale e vivibile”!
Sciacca, 17/09/2010
Dott. Mario Turturici

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Restaurant Enterprise Multiplier

cake buckwheat cake


after a long and deserved (: p) summer break we continue with the recipe. We start with a delicious cake that makes you want to mountain hut:)

Ingredients: medium-large eggs
-6 gr soft butter

-200 -250 -250 gr gr sugar
wheat flour buckwheat (found in supermarkets)
-250 gr almond flour (I recommend di prendere le mandorle intere e tritarle nel mixer, restano più granulose e la torta è più buona :) ...altro consiglio: prendete quelle intere con ancora la pellicina marrone scuro, perchè altrimenti quando si frullano il latte delle mandorle bagna troppo l'impasto)
-1/2 bustina di lievito
-marmellata di lamponi (l'originale vuole quella di mirtilli rossi)
-zucchero a velo

Frullate le mandorle nel mixer xosì da ottenere una granella fine, ma se rimane qualche pezzetto più grosso va bene. Mettete da parte la farina così ottenuta.
Tagliate il burro a tocchetti piccoli e mettelo nel mixer con lo zucchero e frullate finchè non diventa una crema.
Add 1 egg at a time and date each voltac a puree. Set aside the egg whites until stiff then you have to assemble.
After adding all the eggs, slowly add the 2 flours mixed with yeast and blend more.
Now whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt (should be almost like whipped cream!).
After that pour the egg-flour-butter mixture into a bowl and gradually add the egg whites stirring from the bottom up to incorporate more air.
Once blended well together turn the oven to 180 degrees, pour the mixture into a pan of 28 cm in diameter covered with baking paper and bake for 35 minutes. Once ready leave
cool, cut it in half lengthwise and fill with jam lammponi. Recompose the cake, sprinkle with icing sugar GNAM e. ..!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How Much Are Manish Malhotra Sarees


Non è vero che soldi non ce n'è, i soldi ci sono, e pure tanti, ma vengono persi per evidenti incapacità !
Apprendiamo con rammarico che sono stati persi i finanziamenti ( oltre 300 mila euro) per la scuola media Scaturro. Erano finanziamenti portati in Città dall'amministrazione del Sindaco Mario Turturici, assieme a tanti altri, che per dovere di memoria qui di seguito elenchiamo, dell'importo of over € 3.5 million.
hear news that funding for the elementary school of St. Augustine is at risk. We hope to be wrong!
the face of such failure the least we can do is to whom it may concern resign!
anew the list of additional funding for schools produced by Turton.
SCHOOL RIONE MARINA (1 million euro)
The region has funded the restoration project restructuring and upgrading of the school presented by the Marina District elementary Turton.
funding is about one million euro and was published in the 28/08/2008 GURS. The
project, falling within the perspective of policy for the improvement of structures sc0lastiche Turturici that the Administration had begun drawing on state and regional funds in Europe, provides, among other things, adaptation to the regulations and restructuring of the school, the arrangement of the electrical and fire, the removal of architectural barriers, the safety.
SCHOOL SAN VITO - Fazello (€ 440,000)
The Ministry of Infrastructure has lead to the granting of around 440 000 euro for the project concerning the "Work of seismic Fazello Thomas elementary school."
The work, which has been incorporated in the Extraordinary Plan for the safety of school buildings prepared by the Ministries of Infrastructure and Education, was funded through institutional arrangements that came to fruition in the signing of the implementation document that governs the relationship between our municipality, the Ministry and the 'Regional Department for Education. ST AUGUSTINE SCHOOL
(1 million 500 thousand euro in the three-year plan of the State, by decree 231 000 €). The Administration
Turton has prepared two projects for the nursery and primary school of St. Augustine.
One project involves the total renovation of the building, the other the renovation of the electrical system.
The first project to a a half million euro has already been included in the 2007/2009 year plan of the State.
Regarding the second project amounting to € 231,000, the Administration Turton had participated in an appropriate public notice, and the State by note dated February 11, 2009 had informed the project's consistency with the purpose of the notice and that therefore nothing precluded the obtaining of financing decree.
other schools (three hundred fifty thousand euro)
this funding will be compounded further two granted by the Ministry of Finance - Decree of April 29 in Gazette n.102 - on:
1) major repairs of schools to € 300 000 € (Turton administration had planned to use these funds for maintenance of the school gymnasium of St. Augustine);
2) restructuring of the primary school peer Immaculate of Lourdes Institute of the Sisters of St. Clare, to € 50 000.
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS IN SCHOOLS (almost two hundred thousand euro)
Finally, regarding some other financing photovoltaic systems in different schools of Sciacca, among them the Middle School and Elementary School Inveges IV Circolo Via Modigliani