Saturday, September 4, 2010

How Much Are Manish Malhotra Sarees


Non è vero che soldi non ce n'è, i soldi ci sono, e pure tanti, ma vengono persi per evidenti incapacità !
Apprendiamo con rammarico che sono stati persi i finanziamenti ( oltre 300 mila euro) per la scuola media Scaturro. Erano finanziamenti portati in Città dall'amministrazione del Sindaco Mario Turturici, assieme a tanti altri, che per dovere di memoria qui di seguito elenchiamo, dell'importo of over € 3.5 million.
hear news that funding for the elementary school of St. Augustine is at risk. We hope to be wrong!
the face of such failure the least we can do is to whom it may concern resign!
anew the list of additional funding for schools produced by Turton.
SCHOOL RIONE MARINA (1 million euro)
The region has funded the restoration project restructuring and upgrading of the school presented by the Marina District elementary Turton.
funding is about one million euro and was published in the 28/08/2008 GURS. The
project, falling within the perspective of policy for the improvement of structures sc0lastiche Turturici that the Administration had begun drawing on state and regional funds in Europe, provides, among other things, adaptation to the regulations and restructuring of the school, the arrangement of the electrical and fire, the removal of architectural barriers, the safety.
SCHOOL SAN VITO - Fazello (€ 440,000)
The Ministry of Infrastructure has lead to the granting of around 440 000 euro for the project concerning the "Work of seismic Fazello Thomas elementary school."
The work, which has been incorporated in the Extraordinary Plan for the safety of school buildings prepared by the Ministries of Infrastructure and Education, was funded through institutional arrangements that came to fruition in the signing of the implementation document that governs the relationship between our municipality, the Ministry and the 'Regional Department for Education. ST AUGUSTINE SCHOOL
(1 million 500 thousand euro in the three-year plan of the State, by decree 231 000 €). The Administration
Turton has prepared two projects for the nursery and primary school of St. Augustine.
One project involves the total renovation of the building, the other the renovation of the electrical system.
The first project to a a half million euro has already been included in the 2007/2009 year plan of the State.
Regarding the second project amounting to € 231,000, the Administration Turton had participated in an appropriate public notice, and the State by note dated February 11, 2009 had informed the project's consistency with the purpose of the notice and that therefore nothing precluded the obtaining of financing decree.
other schools (three hundred fifty thousand euro)
this funding will be compounded further two granted by the Ministry of Finance - Decree of April 29 in Gazette n.102 - on:
1) major repairs of schools to € 300 000 € (Turton administration had planned to use these funds for maintenance of the school gymnasium of St. Augustine);
2) restructuring of the primary school peer Immaculate of Lourdes Institute of the Sisters of St. Clare, to € 50 000.
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS IN SCHOOLS (almost two hundred thousand euro)
Finally, regarding some other financing photovoltaic systems in different schools of Sciacca, among them the Middle School and Elementary School Inveges IV Circolo Via Modigliani


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