Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Does A Throat Look Like


According to calculations by the Mayor on TV sciorinare Vito Bono increase of 35% of TARSU provided during my 5 years of sindacatura equivarebbe actually 38%, and I say which is almost right!
Almost, because the precise "real" increase is 37.5% as I will show below.
but not to the Mayor Vito Bono to say what does not suit them; or that his TARSU increase of 35% is equivalent to 48% , and then as many as 10 percentage points higher than that of my administration, with the aggravating circumstance that this increase takes place in a single year, not in five! !
I submit the following example to demonstrate this.
assume that when I took office (2004) the cost of TARSU was equal to 100 €.
in 2005 is the first increase of 25% (100 * 25% = 25), then becomes TARSU € 125 (100 +25)
no increase in 2006.
in 2007 is the second increase of 10% (125 * 10% = 12.5), then becomes TARSU € 137.5 (125 +12.5).
In 2008 and 2009 nessun aumento.
In sintesi, nel mio mandato di Sindaco che va dal 2004 al 2009, la TARSU è passata da € 100 a € 137,5, quindi la somma dei due aumenti (del 25% e del 10%) equivale al 37,5%.
E veniamo all'aumento del TARSU disposto in un solo anno dal Sindaco Vito Bono.
L'umento è calcolato sulla TARSU del 2007 ( quella dell'ultimo aumento per intenderci), pari ad € 137,5.
L'aumento del 35% su 137,5 corrisponde ad euro € 48,13.
Nel 2010 la TARSU diventa quindi € 185,63 ( 137,5+48,13).
Mettiamo ora le due TARSU a confronto:
SINDACO TURTURICI - La Tarsu passa da € 100 a € 137,5 = aumento 37,5 euro
BONO - The TARSU went from € 137.5 to € 185.63 = € 48.13 €
increase from 2004 to 2010 - The TARSU increased from € 100 to € 185.63 = € 85.63
Then in 2004 to 2010 the percentage increased to 85 Tarsu, 63%, as follows:
37.5% increase during the sindacatura Turton (five years);
the 48.13 % increase during the sindacatura Bono (in a single year).
consequence of the increase provided by the Mayor TARSU Vito Bono is equivalent to 48.13% compared to the previous one that was instead of 37.5%, with a difference by almost 10% more in just one year!

If Mathematics is not an opinion.

Signed, Mario Turton

Reprogram 1998 Ml320 Remote


Force Sciacca deeply shocked by the conduct of the Councillor Mariella Campo at the Council of Thursday, June 3. The Board
Mariella Campo with its own political behavior has betrayed the trust of the voters voting twice, first for leaving the benches of the opposition to marry with unimaginable confidence in those of the majority supporting the Mayor Vito Bono, then to have contributed increased its vote Tassa rifiuti del 35% che inciderà pesantemente su tutte le famiglie e le categorie produttive della Città.
Ricordiamo che la Consigliere Campo è stata eletta grazie ai voti ottenuti dalla lista Forza Sciacca, che la stessa si è candidata per sostenere un progetto diverso da quello di “Vito Bono Sindaco” dopo essere stata per ben 5 anni assessore nella Giunta del Sindaco Mario Turturici.
Pertanto non possiamo non stigmatizzare l'incoerenza politica della Consigliere Campo, così come l'esilarante “messa in scena ” orchestrata dalla stessa per giustificare la propria indifendibile scelta ed il proprio voto favorevole all'aumento della TARSU.
Arrivare ad attaccare sinanco il Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi, in order to defend a sword that just a year ago that Mayor was a fierce opponent in his municipal council, it seems objectively too!
We would rather expect that the Board take the necessary range of defenses weaker sections of society and of the productive sectors of the city, rejecting for example, by virtue of his long experience of Alderman, Councillor Paul Mandracchia, whose statements were often clearly inaccurate.
It is not true, as alleged by Councilor Paul Mandracchia, the fish canning companies will be exempted from increased Tarsu, being forced to dispose of special waste. These companies
see if anything further taxed, although the rate of 50% of the increase, with reference to the surfaces of the areas used for production. As
ulteriano harassed those many citizens who must be collected separately and were deprived of "comfort" of the nearby bins, and which had been promised a significant reduction of the tax, but not a dramatic increase.
The overriding considerations therefore lead us to demand the resignation of Councillor Mariella Campo, with respect for the will of the people who were further betrayed by his vote against the withdrawal of the increase proposed by TARSU Force Sciacca list on which it is was nominated and elected.
Coordinator Michele Catanzaro