Saturday, March 19, 2011

Birthday Sayings For 18 Lads

"Europe on the move" Interregional Seminar - April 8, 2011

Il seminario, di cui si allega il programma, è indirizzato a dirigenti scolastici e docenti delle tre regioni coinvolte (Liguria, Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta) e si propone di fornire quadri di riferimento e informazioni pratiche sulla progettualità europea e la mobilità in ambito scolastico, e di favorire la condivisione delle esperienze.  

Il numero massimo di posti totali disponibili presso la sala conferenze del Forte di Bard è 130; verranno pertanto accolte le richieste in ordine di presentazione.

Le schede di adesione dovranno Studies submitted to the Superintendent - Support Services school autonomy - Piazza Deffeyes, 1 - 11100 Aosta, without exception, by March 28, 2011 at the following fax number 0165/275888 .

For further information you can contact the technical manager Vernetto Prof. Gabriella (tel. 0165/275872), Ms Lucia Ponsetti (tel. 0165/275866), or Professor Maria Teresa Ingicco (tel. 011.5163694).

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beginnings Of Hpv On Lips

150 initiatives for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy "section of the site dedicated to institutional initiatives for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. This is a historic day on which the national community will rightly give proper and deserved relief. That is why we also put schools, for which the event is of great educational opportunity.
schools, in fact, throughout the year 2011, promote numerous initiatives to provide students and the community awareness of the unitary path of our country, highlighting its leading role in the spread, defense and reaffirmation of the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the Unification of Italy.
All proposals for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy (projects, competitions, exhibitions , ideas, etc. ..) that the school intends to submit may, therefore, be reported to the following addresses E-mail:
The Piedmont Regional School Office for each initiative will put a special section in each school - divided by provincial areas - created in homepage Site institutional . This section will be called " 150 initiatives for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy" and will report all information required for participation in the event useful from time to time proposed.
want broad participation of the students and the organization is the fruition of initiatives - including those promoted by the same Regional Education for Piedmont - are kindly asked to SS.LL. to ensure the widest dissemination.

Parts Of The Inside Of A Car

Eat well and grow better - Competition

Read Call

Scorpio Man Not Interested

"MOVE UP - Destination alternatives."

To educate the equal opportunities and respect for differences and to gain more knowledge in the use of new technologies, say no violence, we invite you to the seminar for the promotion and presentation of the project "MOVE UP - Destination alternative" .

The project, which has already had a large development on the territory and feedback from teachers involved, will be presented

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
hours 14.30/17.00
Technical Institute Giacomo Fauser
Via Ricci 14, Novara

The seminar was dedicated to the teaching staff and directors of secondary schools in the first and second degree and training agencies in the territory, aims to spread the results obtained from the project and involve in all and all those who, in education / training, they feel these issues as their own.

hope you will participate in the event program and the enclosed registration form. The card will be delivered directly to the reception on the day of the meeting, but we ask you to confirm via email, phone or sms.

The seminar will be presented and distributed to over-the design experience:
teaching kit and handbook.

For more information on the activities carried out to date and topics of the project please visit: / europe / fse / moveUp
and contact the organizing secretary

Bluebook Ltd.
tel 011 9700916 - 3496606427 (via sms)
fax 0119700914

Slightly Enlarged Liver

Project Using interactive learning RETELIM between the classroom and hospital bed / home. Seminar March 28, 2011. Regional Project "LA RETELIM communicate, collaborate, learn, stay together"

Please note that the " Group Regional Hospital School Education and Home Care" in collaboration This office, organizes on March 28, 2011, from 9.00 to 18.00 at the SMS "Peyron-Fermi", Via Valenza 71, the third day of the seminar for executives and faculty schools of all levels in all provinces of Piedmont .

The initiative, which forms part of the activities proposed by the Group Regional Hospital School and Education Homecare, intends to acquire :

· knowledge on the use of multimedia interactive whiteboard free (FREE LIM) and the added value that it determines in teaching;
· ; technical and practical skills necessary for an informed use of the whiteboard and its software in developing educational content.

To facilitate the organization of the day you need to register via the attached form, which must be faxed or e-mail to the Regional School Polo "Peyron-Fermi" di Torino not later than March 24, 2011.

Please note that travel expenses will be borne by individual schools.
At the end of the course will be issued a certificate of participation.

Funny Marriage Card Messages

Regional Seminar on "Designing and evaluating skills in experimental science"

The USR Piemonte organizing a seminar-workshop on
" Designing and evaluating skills in experimental science "
that will take place on
March 31, 2011 from 14.30 to 18 hours
in the Conference Room of the Regional Museum of Natural Science Via Giolitti 36, Torino
The framework will be illustrated by the expert of the OECD / PISA Professor Michael Mayer and laboratory work will be performed by the GPR (Steering Group regional) and by practitioners of the plan (ISS Teaching Experimental Sciences).
are invited to attend the Head teachers, teachers of science, participants in training courses of the ISS plan, the coordinators of the departments of organization, contact persons for the reorganization of the secondary school level and all stakeholders of different school levels.
The meeting will be examined materials used after school.

Project management: Technical Manager Silvana Moscow, USR Piemonte.

Information: contact Prof. Paola Ferrera, USR Piemonte e-mail paola.ferrera @

Subscriptions online by March 29 filling the form at this site / iss

A Labelled Diagram Of The Vikings

"Robotics education. Contest Robocup Jr National Under-14 for primary and secondary schools. "

The "Network of schools for the Robocup Jr Italy, founded in November 2008 in Varallo (VC), after organizing issues " Torino 2009" and "Vicenza 2010" for secondary school degree (Robocup Jr U-19), the third edition of National has introduced some evidence "Under 14 " reserved for classes of primary and secondary levels.
These proof "Theatre" at a distance, where you can join by simply sending a movie with their work.
The continued growth of the Italian Institutes that have joined the network (currently 24 in the two sectors) and the participating schools (Catania 2011 edition already included 81 classes of 45 schools) respond positively to a proposal that does not stop the aspects of technological innovation, but it clearly connotes some educational principles and teaching. In addition to training on proper use of information and the Network aims to stimulate and support activities - curricular and / or extracurricular - strongly related to the school situation of the Italian school, contributing to the updating of teaching methods and enhance the teaching laboratory. Everything around the lens that puts national event: to build and program small robots able to deal with one of the typical tests of Robocup Jr: Soccer, Rescue, Dance [1] , and accepting the challenge and confrontation with fellow loyal Italy.
The new evidence "Under 14" now also allow the schools of the area which for years using small robots begin to work together and compared, both nationally and internationally as well, relying on the help of Net Robocup Jr Italy. The Internet this year has a special section with the Under 14 IC Rebora Stresa (VB) as a national leader school.
Piedmont in the field of robotics education was a "pioneer." There are many schools that can get involved at the national level by attending the Robocup Jr Under 14 - Theatre at a distance "raising experience gained in recent years. The Regulations annexed to this Circular explains how to participate. The
inbox is available for teachers interested in further information and advice.

The site available information and illustrative movies.
movies will be screened at the event received national Robocup Jr to be held in Catania, Italy 14 to 16 April 2011 and, by this Regional Education Office, the International Book Fair to be held in Torino 12 to 16 May 2011. The work will be rewarded in Turin at the Book Fair, May 16.

[1] Soccer (Football), each team has two small robots; Rescue (Rescue), a robot capable of performing a rescue mission; Dance (Dance and Theatre), one or more robots that - even with students - he performs a dance (Dance) or in a skit (Theatre)

Retreiver / Labrador Boxer

" The Journey "-fiction Contest for school children - Lions Club Busto Arsizio

Leggi il Regolamento

Construction Sand In An Aquarium

" The school-family-Training Network


Il Centro di Consulenza e supporto alle scuole in   tema di disagio, formato da undici Istituzioni in rete con scuola capofila la Direzione Didattica di Oleggio, organizza un corso di formazione rivolto ai docenti appartenenti alle scuole di ogni ordine e grado.

Il corso si terrà a Oleggio at the Education Office, Via Gramsci 77 , Tel 0321 0321 fax 91 335 94 614
Interested parties are to report to the membership course by sending an e-mail at: raffaella.bovio1 @ indicating name, type of school, school
service by March 28.
provides four meetings this structure
program and course calendar

April 5, 2011 ore 17/19
Rapporteur: Ms. Anna Stroppa - psychologist and psychotherapist

v "Where is the family of Mulino Bianco? A look at new family dynamics to understand today's children. "

April 12, 2011 ore 17/19
Rapporteur: Dott.ssa Sara Andreini - Psicologa e psicoterapeuta
               Dott.ssaLaura Giuliani - Psicologa e psicoterapeuta

v   “I sistemi motivazionali e le emozioni che stanno alla base delle nostre interazioni e i colloqui con le famiglie”

19 aprile 2011 ore 17/19
Rapporteur: Dr. Sara Andreini - Psychologist and psychotherapist
Dr. ssaLaura Giuliani - Psychologist and psychotherapist

v "Practical Strategies for effective communication. The language structure and its contents "Practical.

May 10, 2011 ore 17/19
Rapporteur: Ms. Ilaria Quercioli - professional educators, school and family mediator
; Iacomelli Maria - Social worker

v "The relationship between schools and families in difficulty and services social welfare.
The types of discomfort, a discussion about how best to address the critical issues. "

At the end of the course will receive a certificate of participation

All teachers will provided the material and documentation related to the meetings.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Indian Wedding Sarees Blause

ADAGIO " The importance of drawing as a means of learning and communication "

The Office Territorial School organizes a training course in the subject aimed at teachers of students with disabilities. The first meeting will take place at High School "Antonelli" in Novara on March 23 2011dalle 14.30 to 17.00.
For further information, please contact prof. Pierluca Lavia tel.0321/396821
Registration is to be mailed by March 19 2011all'e-mail

Card Program Accession

Can Camera Flash Damage Eyes?

" The School I'd like to "

The Institute Comprehensive "G. Ferrari" Momo organizes a series of lectures to parents, teachers and school operators. It

Tac-5 Recon Blueprints

Didactics of Second Language - Abacashì

Edited by Dr Federica Demicheli

The course will cover the following topics:
1. "From the roots and different stories,"
Definitions of L2 and foreign language learning in the context of migration;
elements that make learning in the context of foreign children; Mapping
linguistic needs (the language biography and other means), possible baby's
2. "I tempi e i modi della comunicazione: dal parlare allo studiare”
Modelli teorici di riferimento per valutare l’apprendimento linguistico; Bisogni linguistici
degli alunni neo-arrivati; La fase “ponte” e la progettazione di unità didattiche;
Comunicare e studiare in L2: lingua per comunicare e lingua per studiare.
Gli incontri si terranno presso l’Aula Magna del VI Circolo Didattico di Novara, in via
Cagliari, 3 secondo il seguente calendario:
giovedì 17 marzo dalle 17.00 alle 19.00
giovedì 31 marzo 17.00 19 00
You can make entries (by Tuesday, March 15, 2011) at the Intercultural Center
"Abacashì" Novara seconds as follows:
- by telephone on 0321 392 375 (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10.00 to 12.00)
- via mail at the following address:
Thursday, April 14th from 17:00 to 19:00 .

We Are Lonely Animals


The 2011 edition of Didamatica, to be held in Turin on 4, 5 and 6 May in collaboration with the Polytechnic and the contribution of the University of Turin, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro and the University of Gastronomic Sciences .
The conference aims to provide an extensive and thorough research, innovative developments and experiences in place in information technology applied to teaching in the various domains and in multiple learning contexts , making, in particolare, un ponte di comunicazione tra il mondo della scuola, della formazione e della ricerca, nei contesti pubblici e privati, e incentivando un uso consapevole delle Tecnologie Informatiche.
            Seguirà programma dettagliato del Convegno, il cui sito di riferimento è:

            E 'was launched by the organizers of the Call for Papers (ref. Prof. Giovanni Claudio Demartini Politecnico di Torino - Faculty of Engineering IV Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino E-mail: info.didamatica @ to collect proposals for support on the following topics for discussion and debate that are intended to highlight the role of information technology in training activities of the Knowledge Society: methodological contributions, contributions on technological tools, experiences and case studies, Reform and new learning scenarios.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Herpes Facial Hair Is It Herpes Or Ingrown Hair?

Hazelnut Cake Hazelnut Cake

directly from my birthday ...

Ingredients: 250g ground hazelnuts

250g sugar 5 eggs

jam (to taste blueberries, raspberries, berries ...)

Preparation: Chop the hazelnuts

(better if you buy those which are finely chopped) . Do not worry if the mixer into a sort of buttery pasta.
Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs and mix with the first sugar. Add
, stirring from bottom to top the chopped hazelnuts. Gl
Whip egg whites with a pinch of salt and add gradually to the mixture, stirring constantly main bottom-up. Pour
l'impasto in una tortiera dal diametro di 26 cm circa e infornate in forno caldo a 180° per mezz'ora circa.
Lasciate raffreddare la torta dentro il forno e quando è fredda se vi piace tagliatela a metà e farcitela con la marmellata.
Buon appetito!

Original Cubefield School

direttamente dal mio compleanno... :)


250gr nocciole tritate
250gr zucchero
5 uova
marmellata (a piacere: mirtilli, lamponi, frutti di bosco...)