Saturday, December 26, 2009

How To Get To The Barn On Poptropica

Vincisgrassi (commonly known as lasagna)

Merry Christmas to all!

ready because this recipe is long, you take a nice afternoon ... But it's worth it!


-for pasta

4 eggs 400 gr of white flour "0"

-meal for the sauce
400-500 g veal stew a chicken leg

1 sausage
50 grams of minced onion

oil 1 chili pepper

salt 1 stalk celery
2 750ml bottles of tomato sauce
2 750ml bottles of tomato sauce

grated parmesan béchamel

First, put the sauce on the stove. In a very large pot add the oil (must cover the whole bottom right) and add 3 slices of onion, red pepper (seeds removed about half of it contains) and the stalk of celery. Fry for 2 minutes and then add the stew, the chicken leg and the whole sausage. Salt and pepper Brown
for good 10 minutes over high heat, then pour in the 4 bottles with the sauce. Reduce heat and let
sbollicchiare tatno stirring occasionally to prevent the sauce from sticking (if you see the withdrawing too add 1 cup of the water.

The sauce should cook 2 hours and a half.

Meanwhile prepared the dough: Pour the flour into a large bowl and rompeteci above the 4 eggs. Add a pinch of salt and start to knead. Help yourselves to the top with a fork, otherwise the dough will not stick to hands. You have to knead until it becomes a nice smooth yellow ball. If the dough is too dry add a little water.
When the dough is nice and smooth ... in theory you have to pull it with a rolling pin is made of wood but if you do not want to use the machine made on purpose (with a rolling pin, however, is good: p). if you use a rolling pin on the table shed a bit 'of semolina to prevent the dough from sticking to the table. Pull a sheet of 1 cm and then begin to divide and pull apart the individual pieces (pull all together is an unlikely). Otherwise use the machine.

When you got the lasagna 1 mm thick (almost one must see through), put to boil aA pot of salted water and cook for 2-3 lasagna once for maximum 2 minutes each. Do you have a ready lasagna
a towel (do not place the lasagna to each other).

Take a saucepan and cook the ground beef with a little 'oil.

When oil sauce is ready take a roasting pan (30-40 cm long side) or round (diameter 28 cm) and put a sheet of baking paper. Pour on the sheet of baking paper a little 'sauce (tomato only, no meat) and ill do the first layer of lasagne. After scap have paid the pasta with meat sauce, spargeteci a bit 'and a bit of chop' with Parmesan cheese. Then make another state of pasta and pour sauce, minced meat and Parmesan cheese ... so on until all the dough. On the last layer of pasta, pour the remaining sauce (no meat and gravy only buchierellate everything with a fork.

Let stand overnight.

The next morning, prepare the sauce: melt a slice of 1 / 2 inches butter in a saucepan with a teaspoon of flour, stirring constantly. When the butter has melted and formed a yellowish creamy sauce, add a little 'milk (a little at a time, stirring constantly.) Just get off the kelp poured out milk and stir finchè la consistenza non diventa molto liquida. A questo punto versate la besciamella sulle lasagne e infornate per 2 ore circa a 200°.

Buon appetito!!

-per sveltire 1: comprate le lasagne già fatte, tipo Barilla, (in questo caso dovrete solo cuocerle nell'acqua e fare gli strati).
-per sveltire 2: comprate la besciamella già pronta
-per sveltire 3: potete preparare la pasta in anticipo. In questo caso surgelatela senza cuocerla. Disponetela in strati singoli su dei fogli di pellicola trasparente e mettetela in freezer. Al momento di cuocerla tiratela fuori e buttatela nell'acqua bollente (senza pellicola) ancora surgelata. DOvrà cuocere 3-4 minuti anzichè 2.

-more sauce, if you like you can also put the sauce in between each layer and the other ... in this case I recommend you buy a good amount (2-3 packs).


Monday, December 21, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Clean A Gravestone

Tronchetto happiness

Hello everyone!

Christmas is coming, cold presses dmi ... nothing better than a good stub dark chocolate! : P

Ingredients: eggs

-5 -75 grams of sugar + 2 tablespoons flour

-75 g -1 teaspoon of vanilla extract -2 tablespoons brandy

-400 grams of chestnut cream
- 1 tablespoon cocoa butter

-100 g -300 g of chocolate to cover (the supermarket chocolate "emilia" into large squares to the grocery store ... otherwise there is the original sugar-


shelled 4 eggs and separate the yolks (red) from the whites (whites). Put them into 2 different bowls.
Take the egg yolks and beat with 75 grams of sugar until they are frothy. Now add the flour (sifted), vanilla and a pinch of salt.
Take the egg whites and "mount them in the snow" (take the biscuit and blend at high speed until they resemble whipped cream).

Now mix up the egg whites to the rest of the dough: Pour a few egg whites and mix at a time nell'imapsto bottom up so as not remove the egg and incorporate air.
fate When you turn on the oven to 200 degrees and take the black plate that is in the oven. Stendeteci on a piece of parchment paper and pour the mixture. Spread it out evenly and bake well for 10-12 minutes maximum.

Prepare a cloth dampened on the table when the dough "cookie" is ready, remove from oven and rovesciatela on the cloth. Pull out the baking paper and roll the dough with a towel tight. Put everything in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Meanwhile prepare the stuffing.
Take the remaining egg and place in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Whip the egg with sugar fermentation, after which pour 2 tablespoons of swords. Stir in the cream of chestnuts and chocolate and mescoalte well.

time passed, remove the cookie dough from refrigerator, roll out and spread on the cream. Rewind it all and put in fridge for 3 hours or in freezer for 1 hour (fastest option).
Meanwhile, the dough is prepared in frizeer the topping: melt the butter and chocolate in a double boiler (take a pot with water and place it on fire. You take a smaller pot and put the butter and chocolate. Place the saucepan over little in the pot with water so that it floats and stir with a spoon until they are completely dissolved nis).

time passed, remove the roll from the freezer and cut the two ends making a diagonal cut. Spread one of the two ends of the cut pieces with the melted chocolate and attach it to the main body (effect broken branches).
hours spread melted chocolate over the log and then do the lines with a fork to simulate bark.

Put in refrigerator for 2 hours. Before you eat you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

How To Write Franchises

The perfect tart chestnut jam cake

Hello everyone, today

any tips for a perfect pie ... and a few variations on this theme.


Recipe Ingredients: 200g flour-

-100g cold butter -1 egg

-1 -1 pinch of sugar salt to taste
-jam (apricot, berry, strawberry, etc.).

Pour into a large bowl combine the flour, salt, sugar and butter cut into cubes. With the fingertips mix butter and flour, so the emergence of many small pieces (it must seem like a grain of sand a bit 'big, or grated cheese). This takes 5-10 minutes at most. Do not use your whole hand, but only the tip of your fingers, otherwise the butter gets too hot.

Now break the egg into a small bowl and beat with 2 teaspoons of water. Pour in the dough and start to mix with a knife or a fork (or you'll stick all between your fingers and then I challenge you to remove it). When the egg is a bit 'mixed with the flour and butter using your hands to finish mixing (must be a nice smooth ball).

Then wrap the dough in cling film (type DOMOPACK) or in aluminum foil and refrigerate for half an hour.
After that, turn the oven to 200 degrees, take a tortira of about 24 cm in diameter and a sheet of baking paper large enough to cover the entire inside of the cake.
Remove the dough from refrigerator and divide into 2 parts (3 / 4 and 1 / 4 or 2 / 3 and 1 / 3). Take the largest portion and roll it out on the sheet of waxed paper (best with a rolling pin, otherwise use i palmi delle mani. Deve avere un diametro maggiore di quello della tortiera: così quando lo mettete dentro la tortiera si rialzano i bordi (va messo nella tortiera con la carta da forno).

Una volta che avete steso la pasta e l'avete messa nella tortiera, prendete una forchetta e bucherellate la pasta (questo è fondamentale: serve per evitare che si rialzi durante la cottura). A questo punto stendeteci sopra uno strato di marmellata dello spessore desiderato e completate con le strisce di pasta ricavate dall'impasto avanzato. Siccome le trisce lunghe tendono a rompersi, potete farne tante più corte e poi attaccarle le une alle altre direttamente sulla torta.

A questo punto infornate e fate cuocere per 30-40 min circa.
When the cake is ready, togietela from oven and allow it to cool before removing the cake (and also before eating!), Otherwise it breaks all!

recipe with cream

-for egg pasta vd above
-2 (the Reds)

-60 -3 cups sugar teaspoons flour
-250 ml milk, dried beans

fruit to taste (strawberries, bananas, kiwi, peaches in syrup ...) To make the dough

proceed as above. The difference is that spread throughout the dough into the pan so that the edges are a bit 'higher. Turn
the oven to 200 degrees.
To cook the pasta after it has spread into the pan with a fork bucherellatela (fondamentale!) and stendeteci on another sheet of parchment paper, so it's all covered. Pour over the second sheet dried beans and bake for 15 minutes at least.
After this time remove the cake from the oven, remove the sheet of baking paper and beans and bake again for 10 minutes (the cake should be a little 'golden but not too much, because when you remove it from the oven continues to cook). Then pull out the cake from the oven and let cool in its pan.

Prepare the filling: Put the milk in a saucepan large enough and bring to a boil (not must boil too but as soon as bubbles (usually form the thin layer of cream) off.
Meanwhile, place the 2 yolks and sugar in a bowl and whisk (or fork shortbread). Then add 3 tablespoons of flour (more if you make them pour into the bowl through a strainer).
Now pour half the hot milk into the bowl and stir a bit '. After that pour the entire mixture into the saucepan with the other half of the milk and put on medium-low heat. Start stirring with a spoon (preferably wooden) until the cream thickens and sbollicchia. Contiinuate to mix, you do not have to stop, otherwise you are the lumps!. Since bubbles calculated About 1 minute and then turn off the heat.

Then pour the cream on a plate large enough and put on a sheet of parchment paper (maybe the one you used for the beans) and let cool. The sheet of parchment paper is used to avoid formation of a film on the surface.

When the dough is that the cream is cold, pour the cream over the pastry to form and then garnish with the fruit into pieces (depending on your taste: canned peaches and strawberries are great).

version with cornmeal


-100g of maize meal (the one with which you made the polenta ...)
-150g-100g plain flour
butter -1 egg

-60g of sugar 60g of sugar-cane (you can also use all cane sugar)
-1 pinch of baking powder
-raspberry jam or blueberry

As this mixture unlike of the previous is + "Paciugo", I suggest you use the mixer: Pour the ingredients in the order above (except of course the jam). After each ingredient
give a puree.

When you have mixed all the ingredients, roll out the dough from the mixer, wrap it in plastic film and refrigerate for at least half an hour otherwise you can not pull the dough.

After this time you turn the oven to 200 degrees and proceed as for the normal crust (roll out the dough, bucherellatela, put the jam, complete with foil and then bake). I recommend you use a rolling pin and sprinkle the dough with flour sticks to everything else and never be able to pull it ...

Bake for 25-30 min and baked. Let cool and enjoy the tortira

The difference is that the normal tart with cornmeal and baking powder is softer, while sugar cane makes both granulosa
Slurp! : P

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pokemon Gold Rom Mediafire


recipe quickie today ...
This is the cake of my grandmother for excellence, very suitable for this season (and also very very fast to do):)
One trick: it takes ... the ring mold (diameter of about 35-40 cm)

Ingredients (you see a smaller print, halved doses): -150

cups sugar -4 eggs

-150 g flour -1 tablespoon baking
-150 -300 gr gr butter
chestnut jam
-1 tablespoon rum (or Strega liqueur or whiskey )

If you have a mixer use it: put the ingredients in a blender in the order above. Whisk the first time after you put sugar and eggs and then after you add each ingredient.
For the butter cut into pieces before putting the dough.

Se non avete il mixer, tirate fuori il burro dal frigo in modo che si ammorbidisca.
Nel frattempo, sbattete le uova con lo zucchero e poi aggiungete farina e lievito setacciati per evitare che si formino grumi.
In un'altra terrina mescolate la marmellata di castagne con il burro e il cucchiaio di liquore, finchè l'impasto non è omogeneo (questo è il lavoro più lungo, per questo vi consiglio vivamente il mixer, o almeno di lasciare il burro fuori dal frigo mezza giornata per risparmiare tempo e fatica...però vi sconsiglio di mettere il burro sul termosifone).
Quando sono amalgamati per bene, uniteli all'altro impasto e mescolate bene.

A impasto pronto accendete il forno a 180°.
Prendete the ring mold and imburratelo: here you have to overcome the "disgusting" to pick up the butter and spread over all good for the inside of the mold. After that you
flour pan: Pour 1 tablespoon of flour into the mold and then shake the mold and let it run like a wheel so that the flour from sticking to the walls.
Now pour the mixture all over the mold and bake for 45 minutes.
Once ready, turn off the oven and leave cake inside for 15 minutes.

to "transform" the cake (pull out the cake from the mold) or have the stamp "hinge" (which can be removed), or you have to wait for it to cool well.
When the cake is cold, take a dish, place it over the mold and flip it all so that the cake falls on the plate. You'll probably need a little chess' the mold to help the cake to come out (the springform pan is much more comfortable).

Bon appetit!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Community Service Sample Letter In Microsoft


Hello everyone, sorry for the lack

but I took a little vacation: p
Today we talk about the stew: how not to become hard as rocks and many recipes for different types of meat (chicken / turkey veal, beef and pork).

The stews of beef or veal cooking requires a longer than normal slices (1 hour, 1 hour and a half), while those of pork and turkey require less time).

begin with the longest:

beef stew goulash

Makes 4 servings
-800 gr. Beef muscle
-4 onions (also small)
-2 tablespoons sweet paprika and spicy (as you prefer)
-1 tablespoon cumin seeds


In a saucepan or large pot Fry the finely chopped onion with ½ cup of oil.
When the onion begins to soften, add the chopped meat (usually at the supermarket sell it already cut), brown goods, salt, pepper and paprika.
Abbassate la fiamma e cuocere per circa 1/2 ora aggiungendo del brodo (acqua calda + dado) se la carne si attacca alla pentola.
Aggiungete poi i semi di cumino e procedete con la cottura regolando il brodo finchè la carne non è tenera.
Si serve con patate lesse o cotte assieme alla carne (dopo mezz'ora di cottura aggiungete le patate tagliate a tocchetti e ggiungete del brodo: la patata assorbe il condimento e diventa ottima) o con polenta.

SPEZZATINO DI MANZO (versione più complicata)
Ingredienti per 10:
-1 dl olio extravergine di oliva
-50 gr burro
-2 cipolle
-2 carote
-2 gambe di sedano
-1 foglia di alloro
-2 foglie sage rosemary

-10 -50 -2
gr parsley garlic cloves juniper berries

-1 -1 pinch of cinnamon
-50 g kg -1 flour
priest's hat or shoulder of beef (including stew beef already cut at the supermarket) -1
the broth (including nut)
-1 / 2 bardolino the wine (or any red wine)

Clean the meat from the fibrous parts or those that cover the cuticle and muscle that are often annoying to the palate.
remove the fat excess, but not completely, fat and cartilage parties contribute to the stew to give the right texture and tenderness.
Cut the meat into small pieces enough small, about 1 or 2 cm irregularly. NB
lla can skip all this part if you find the stew Bell'O already breaking the supermarket (there could be only to remove a bit 'fat)
Place the meat in a bowl and flour it well and evenly. Remove the excess flour.
Chop onion, celery and carrots and put them in the oil and butter to fry with the garlic (whole) and the juniper berries, taking care not to burn the sauce.
Finely chop the bay leaves, sage, rosemary and parsley and add to the mixture (located in the bay already chopped pate in the supermarket).
Remove the garlic and juniper berries from the pan. Add
the meat and stir fry to brown it and mix it always over moderate heat, add salt and pepper generously.
Add the wine and cook for about 10 minutes.
Add a pint of broth and cinnamon.
Cook for about 4 hours and, if necessary, a little 'stock to keep the sauce the right consistency and massive, still over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent the attacks (depending on the pot), making sure the flavor and Add salt and pepper if necessary.
The flour should ensure the smoothness of the stew and the meat should be tender and crumbly.
It can be eaten the next day or the next. It goes well with
la polenta o con un purè di patate.
Un modo per usare questo spezzatino quando avanza è quello di sminuzzarlo con una forchetta e farlo diventare una ragù per condire la pasta assieme a una generosa manciata di parmigiano reggiano.


Ingredienti per 6:
-muscolo di vitello gr. 800
-funghi champignons kg 1 (anche in busta secchi)
-succo di 2-3 limoni spremuti (secondo la grandezza)
-olio evo
-peperoncino (come siete abituati)
-sale q.b.
-farina q.b.
Mettete a bagno i funghi secchi in una scodella con dell'acqua lukewarm.
should first delete unnecessary bold stew (not tolgliete because the nerves are very good and make it good meat). Cut the meat into small pieces so you do not have to then use the knife. Flour
stew while you put in a large pan on the fire stripped garlic and chilli.
Pour the stew in the pan and brown to brown. Be careful not to put everything together in the stew pan: Do not take on color, put a little 'and remove it when the time is still pink and before it is cooked. If necessary, add more oil every so often, garlic and chilli.
When you finish browning the stew poured into the same pan, thin sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms, stew it all together, lemon juice, salt and add a little 'stock (nut + water).
Cook as long as the water you will have almost completely dried.

Ingredients for 6:
-500 grams of stew meat (beef type) or 6 cherry tomatoes

-5 -3 -1
potatoes can of beans to Spain
-1 carrot

celery -1 -1 / 2 onion-pepper to taste


Put to boil a bit 'of water with a teaspoon of curry.
Take a pot from the edges of medium-high and pretty thick, best non-stick and put in brown with a little olive oil with the chopped celery, chopped carrot and onion into small pieces (sold ready-mixed frozen) pepper if you like the most. Meanwhile
flour stew.
Put the meat on the sauce and let it cook slowly (at will also put a clove). When
is beautiful browned on both sides pay a bit 'of water and curry so the meat does not stick to the pot and cook slowly.
Cut the potatoes into large squares and put them in the stew.
Then cover with a lid and let simmer.
Occasionally check the cooking and turn the stew with a wooden spoon.
Lasciate cuocere (aggiungendo acqua e curry o solo acqua a seconda dei gusti di tanto in tanto) per almeno 45/50 minuti.
Dopo inserite nella pentola tagliuzzati i pomodorini e per ultimi (quando mancano solo 10 minuti o meno alla fine della cottura) i fagioli.
Togliete il coperchio per far rapprendere il liquido e solo alla fine salate la carne (altrimenti viene dura...).
Servite caldo.

Ingredienti per 4:
-600 gr di spezzatino di vitello
-4 patate
-1 carota
-1 cipolla
-1 gambo di sedano
-1 scatola di pomodori pelati da 400 gr
-la scorzetta grattugiata di 1/2 limone
-1 cucchiaio di farina
-1 Tablespoon chopped parsley
-1 / 2 cup dry white wine vegetable broth

-olive-oil-salt and pepper

In an earthenware pot or a pan with high sides let simmer the carrot, celery and onion with a tablespoon of olive oil and a few tablespoons of broth for 5-6 minutes.
Add the chopped tomatoes and drained.
salt and cook on low heat.
On another frying pan heat 2 tablespoons oil and brown the meat, then drain them and add to vegetable stew.
Pour the stew with a glass of mulled wine, sprinkle with flour, pepper, put the lid on and cook for about 1 hour, 10 minutes after the first salt, if necessary, add un po' di brodo di tanto in tanto.
A metà cottura aggiungete le patate sbucciate e tagliate a tocchetti, regolate di sale e pepe e, qualche minuto prima della fine, aggiungete la scorzetta di limone.
Lasciate riposare lo spezzatino a pentola coperta per alcuni minuti, cospargetelo di prezzemolo tritato prima di servirlo.


-700 gr di spezzatino di maiale
-½ scalogno tritato (piccolo cipollotto)
-2 rametti di timo al limone
-1 bustina di zafferano
-pepe colorato
-vino bianco
-farina q. b.
Rosolate lo scalogno nell'olio, infarinate la carne, togliete con un colino la farina in eccesso ed aggiungetela al soffritto.
Mettete il timo ed il vino bianco e fate evaporare.
Sciogliete lo zafferano in acqua calda ed unitelo alla carne, se necessario aggiungete altra acqua calda per la cottura.
Quasi alla fine aggiungete altro timo.

Ingredienti per 4:
-spezzatino di maiale 800gr.
-cipolline fresche 3/4
-mele golden (gialle) 2 grandi
-curry 1 cucchiaino
-preparato pronto per purè (tipo pfanni) 2 cucchiai (o farina bianca)
-olio d'oliva 4 cucchiai
In un tegame con i bordi un po' alti fate soffriggere le cipolline sminuzzate nell'olio, aggiungete lo spezzatino e fatelo rosolare a fuoco vivace e se vi piace sfumate (=versate il vino e fate evaporare) con un po' di vino bianco.
Abbassate la fiamma e fate cuocere almeno 45 minuti aggiungendo un po' di acqua calda se serve.
Unite il curry e le mele tagliate a dadini piccoli e continuate la cottura.
Regolate di sale senza esagerare perché pochi minuti prima di spegnere(quando le mele saranno un po' disfatte) si aggiunge il preparato per purè che è già saporito.
Amalgamate per qualche minuto e controllate se occorre altro sale (deve sentirsi un po' il dolce delle mele).


Ingredients for 4: -1
turkey breast (400-500 g)
-1 / 2 glass of red wine

-flour-olive oil
Chop the turkey breast and dip in flour.
Heat the oil in a large pan, add the turkey and brown well. Pour the wine over high heat and when it is almost evaporated, add the broth.
cook covered over medium heat.
Tip: serve with a smooth puree. : P

Ingredients: -1
turkey stew (formerly cut or take the slices and then cut into strips)

-1 -1 lemon garlic

-1 -1 teaspoon ground ginger teaspoon cinnamon
-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan
high-sided heat the oil, saute the garlic, add spices (cinnamon and ginger) and then release the aromas.
Now add the diced turkey and brown evenly.
Add salt to taste, add the juice of one lemon and a few strips of lemon zest.
Stir well, then cook semi covered for 10-15 minutes.
If burning the bottom add a bit 'of water.

COUNCIL: because the meat is more Always soft flour it before cooking

Bon appetit!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Yahoo Groups Female Bodybuilders

The dry bread (stale alias)


request today we talk about the bread, that you can not eat any more without putting a strain on our teeth.
The dry bread can be used in many ways, especially as an ingredient of the first and desserts. Within seconds you can grate it (or chop in a food processor) and use as bread crumbs.

Here are some recipe:


-Chick peas (canned or jar that do not require long cooking)
-stale bread
-2 slices of onion
-1 Pomodoro a pezzetti privato dei semi o 3 cucchiai di salsa
-Olio d'oliva
-1 gambo di sedano
Prendete un pentolino e scaldateci dell'acqua con un po' di dado (1 litro d'acqua=1dado).
Prendete il pane raffermo e sminuzzatelo in una grossa terrina (1 panino di 200gr va bene per 1-2 porzioni).
Versate in una pentola (meglio se di coccio. In questo caso tra il fuoco e la pentola dovete mettere una retina spargi fiamma) l'olio, il pomodoro, la cipolla, il sedano ed il sale.
Fate soffriggere per 2 minuti e aggiungete i ceci, mescolate e versate il brodo (dipende quanti siete, quanti ceci fate e se volete la minestra densa o liquida: voi scaldatene 1 litro e poi vi regolate secondo i vostri gusti.
Fate cuocere per 10 minuti.
A cottura ultimata versate la zuppa nella terrina dove prima avete messo il pane raffermo tagliato a tocchetti.
NB con lo stesso procedimento potete usare altri tipi di legumi.

Zuppa di pane e lenticchie
Ingredienti (x 4):
-200 g di lenticchie
-4 fette di pane raffermo (o un panino da 200-300 gr)
-2 spicchi di aglio
-1 porro (o 2 fette di cipolla)
-1 rametto di timo (o un cucchiaino di quello secco)
-2 uova
-150 cl di brodo (che significa 150 gr)
-Olio d'oliva
Qui dovete iniziare per tempo perchè dovete tenere a bagno le lenticchie 2 ore.
Scolatele, mettetele in a pot with garlic, white part of leek, cut in thin rings (or onion) and thyme.
Cook for 2 minutes, stirring and salt.
Cover with the broth and cook for 2 hours, adding hot water if necessary.
Pass the bread slices (if you have a sandwich or slice it into pieces if not break it managed to slice it) into the beaten eggs and salt. Take a pan, put oil and let it brown.
dry them on kitchen paper and arrange on the bottom of individual bowls.
Cover them with the lentils.
Sprinkle with pepper and topped with a dribble of oil.


Omelet with bread
Ingredients (x4) -6
eggs (if you're alone, 1 or 2 eggs)
-2 slices of bread (or a sandwich from 200-300 grams)
-2 tablespoons of grated cheese, milk

- 1 knob of butter-parsley

-2 tablespoons olive oil Salt

Remove the crust from the bread, pick up the crumbs in a bowl and cover with milk (if you have a sandwich instead of slices of bread, Soak it all, if the crust is thick, you may remove the later).
In a bowl, beat eggs, add the squeezed bread, grated cheese, a bit 'of chopped parsley, salt and pepper.
Stir well until the bread is softened. In a pan heat
two tablespoons of olive oil and a knob of butter, pour the mixture and let brown on both sides.

veal chop Milanese
-meat (the real veal cutlet is the knot with the bone, but you can also use slices of chicken or beef. If you do have to use the knot beat with pestacarne otherwise it is of marble. ..). Count a knot or 2 slices per person
-1 beaten egg (good for 1-2 servings)
-old bread crumbs / chopped (you can always use the breadcrumbs ready, but the bread is good)
-butter and oil for frying
Take the slices of meat or knot and dip them in beaten egg, salt-free. Rest in bread crumbs, pressing lightly with your hand to make the breading stick well on both sides. Fry in butter
very abundant (optional, but recommended adding a little oil), moving frequently to prevent them from attacking, but turning them once. Initially the fire must be alive, and then goes down a little (the butter should not darken).
Cook up to 4 minutes per side, as the chop should still be slightly pink inside.
then place it on a paper towel to drain the excess fat (hint: replace the paper a couple of times).
At this point add salt and serve.

bread Ingredients: -300 grams of dry bread

1 liter of milk-sugar

-2 eggs -1
handful of raisins (optional)
-100 grams of dark chocolate into pieces and apple-
/ or nuts (if you like) good
Soak bread in hot milk and add the beaten eggs.
Accendet eil oven to 200 degrees.
Add the chocolate pieces and if you also like chopped apples, walnuts and raisins.
Mix well and pour into a baking pan covered with parchment paper (24 cm in diameter, or if you have a rectangular 30 cm diagonal)
Bake for 1 hour. A
votla ready and let cool spolerizzate with the icing sugar.
This is a recipe my grandmother ... it's good for power: p

Enjoy everyone!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Primeiro Episodeo De Ikusa Otome Suvia

The slices of meat

Hello everyone, today we talk about

super versatile and quick to cook thin slices of meat.
are often sold in supermarkets in packs of 2-3 servings and change the dressing, even if the meat is the same kind of help do not turn into chickens, pigs, calves, depending on the stock purchased (provided that you can always freeze the second the tips of my post "the freezer": p).

The slices of meat are usually turkey, chicken, veal and pork. I propose here some recipe for all (keep in mind that chicken and turkey are interchangeable: the recipes for a are also fine for the other).

Before 3 tips to keep the meat tender:
-if you have a meat pounder pounded the slices on both sides (strongly recommended to use a plank of wood with a cloth folded under)
-flour the slices before cooking
- cook for 30 minutes at most chicken and turkey 10-15 minutes the calf and the pig.

Note: All amounts are per 300 grams of meat around.

- tomato and basil

basil (chopped fresh-frozen over the counter)
salt-and pepper-sliced \u200b\u200bchicken

Take a large skillet (Depending on how many slices you have) and scaldateci a bit 'of oil. After 2 minutes agiungete the slices of meat and brown 2 minutes per side. Now add the sauce (4 tbsp is good for 3-4 ounces of meat) and basil. Season with salt and pepper to taste and cook for 20 minutes max.
-baked spicy

-oil-pepper, marjoram, oregano, thyme (alternatively mixed spices "Italian" in supermarkets)

-sale-sliced \u200b\u200bchicken
Preheat the oven to 180 ° . Take a baking dish or pan that can go in the oven and put in a piece of parchment paper large enough to close a package. Put the slices
over the parchment paper, cospaargete with a handful of spices, salt and extra virgin olive oil (1 tablespoon to slice). Close
the slices into the baking paper and bake for around 30 minutes.
You can also cook in a pan the same way.
- with cherry tomatoes and olives
-7 / 8 cherry tomatoes (good for 200g of meat), black olives

-2 cloves of garlic (garlic in altrenativa dry, is among the spices. It just the tip of a teaspoon)
-onion (diced ready in refrigerated)
-1 / 2 cup white wine


Cover the bottom of a frying pan with a little 'oil oil and then fry the whole cloves of garlic and onion. When the garlic is golden, remove and cook another 2 minutes (if that's dry you can leave it in). Add the chicken, the tomatoes and top lying in the pan upside down, a little 'pepper to taste, olives and white wine.
Cover the pan with a lid and cook the chicken and turning salandolo on both sides until the sauce is not nearly curdled (20 minutes).
Before you serve add the chopped basil and serve hot.

-1 teaspoon curry


parsley Sauté onion in oil for 2 minutes. Add the sliced \u200b\u200bturkey, salt and fry for 2 minutes turning on both sides. Add the curry
spreading it over the entire meat (dose for 2-3 ounces of meat). Bake for 20 minutes covered, possibly by adding half a glass of water and a piece of nut to prevent burning.
cooked, sprinkle with a little 'of parsley and served with thyme-


-lemon-broth (2 cups water + 1 / 4 dice or 1 / 2 teaspoon if that's what granular)
-1 tablespoon salted capers
-1 large handful of timo
-il succo di 1 limone
-olio e sale
Scaldate l'olio in una padella e metteteci le fettine a rosolare 1 minuto per lato. Versateci il succo di limone e il brodo caldo.
Fate cuocere per 12-13 minuti circa e regolate il sale.
Poco prima di spegnere aggiungete il timo e i capperi spezzetati.
Fate insaporire mescolando bene e servite
-alle noci (o pinoli)
-cipolla (2 fettine)
-2 cucchiai di gherigli di noci tritati (o di pinoli). Le nocisi trovano già in gherigli al supermercato, di solito dove c'è la roba per preparare le torte)
-2 dl di panna
-rosmarino (1 rametto fresco o un cucchiaino di quello secco)
-2 o 3 foglie di salvia (o un cucchiaino di quella secca)
-vino bianco secco
-sale e pepe
-burro (1 fetta larga 1 dito) o olio
Rosolate la cipolla nel burro (o l'olio) con la salvia, il rosmarino e le noci (o i pinoli). Dopo 2-3 minuti unite le fettine di carne e fatele rosolare per 4-5 minuti da entrambi i lati.
Salate, pepate e aggiungete il vino bianco. fate cuocere fino a quando non sarà evaporato quasi completamente.
Togliete le scaloppine dalla padella. Unite la panna alla sugo rimasto in padella e fate addensare 2 minuti a fuoco medio. Rimettete le fettine nella padella, fate insaporire per 2 minuti e servite.

-al prosciutto
-1 thick slice of ham (about 100g), or diced ham, cream of refrigerated

-salt-butter (or oil)
Cook the meat with butter (10 minutes max) and in the meantime Cut the ham into strips or cubes. Place the meat in a dish and put on a lid, in the same pan fry the ham, add the cream and allow to thicken, put the meat in the pan and cook everything.
Marsala Ingredients: Marsala-
few tablespoons


Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, add the scallops, brown, salt and turns. Cook the steaks about 3 minutes on each side. Sprinkle the Marsala, let it evaporate and serve hot.
-peas with
Ingredients: -200 gr
. peas (canned) -3

bay leaves -1 / 2 cup white wine nutmeg

-extra-virgin olive oil-salt

Fry the steaks 2 minutes in a pan with the bay leaf and a little oil. Salt, add a sprinkling of nutmeg and cook. Add the peas, add the wine and cook.
PS The frozen peas are better: if you want to use these, you must first Vare cook the peas for at least 25 minutes (vd recipes on vegetables) and then add the meat and cook the recipe as above.


-oil-onion-paprika spicy

Heat oil with onion. Add the pork slices and subjected to 2 tablespoons of paprika. Add salt and pepper. Cook for 10-15 minutes turning up to both sides. Serve
-bacon and juniper
Ingredients: -100 gr
smoked bacon, diced (see in the supermarket chiller cabinet)
-1 teaspoon juniper berries (they are among the spices)

-oil-salt and
Brown the pepper oil with the bacon. When well browned, add the slices. Add salt and pepper and sprinkle with crushed juniper (Wedge it between your fingers to open the berries). Bake for 10-15 minutes at most. Serve.
-1 apple (red or golden. NOT green apples)

-butter salt and pepper-onion

Wash and peel the apple. Cut it into small pieces (if you have a food processor or crescent used ones). Fry off the butter in a saucepan with the onion, add the chopped apple and stir 5 minutes after Lay the slices of meat in the bowl, leaving brown on both sides. Then sprinkle with white wine and let it evaporate over high heat. In all be cooked up to 15 minutes

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Room Rental Agreement Template


Hello everyone, today we talk about

pasta. Cibo prediletto da molti, ma spesso per fretta si finisce per condirla sempre allo stesso modo...
Per variare un po' sulle ricette è sufficiente dotarsi di un po' di spezie, salsa al pomodoro, cipolla, olive, capperi e pancetta.
Se poi amate diversi tipi di pasta e non siete fanatici degli spaghetti, tenetevi anche penne, bucatini, farfalle, conchiglie, fusilli, ecc.
Cominciamo (descrivo qui i sughi, per i tempi di cottura della pasta vedi in fondo)

Pomodoro e basilico : grande classico della pastasciutta. E' un sugo che si sposa bene con tutto anche se gli spaghetti sono la pasta ppiù comunemente associata a questo sugo. Se avete fretta è il sugo che vi richiede less time in absolute terms (often sold under the tomato sauce is tomato and basil at the supermarket).

-onion-olive oil (to the supermarket selling fresh frozen already cut into cubes)

-tomato-basil (fresh frozen at the supermarket sell it already chopped)
-parmesan (if you like) When thrown
the paste, heat oil and onion. After 1 minute add the tomato sauce (3 tablespoons per 100g of pasta) and a little bit of basil. If you have the sauce instead of tomato sauce, add a pinch of salt if no is the sauce bitter.
Cook for 5 minutes ... et voila: ready sauce

Arrabbiata: tipico sugo delle penne.
-peperoncino (1 intero con pochi semi per 100gr di pasta o 3 spruzzate di quello in polvere fanno un sugo piccante)
-salsa al pomodoro
Stesso procedimento del sugo precedente, ma quando scaldate olio e cipolla mettete anche il peperoncino.

Olio, aglio e peperoncino : tipico sugo per gli spaghetti (anzi direi che gli spaghetti hanno l'esclusiva su questo condimento)
peperoncino (1 intero con pochi semi per 100gr di pasta o 3 spruzzate di quello in polvere fanno un sugo piccante)
scaldate l'olio (3 cucchiai per 100gr di pasta almeno) con l'aglio e il peperoncino, ma attenzione: l'aglio non deve diventare nero, ma dorare leggermente. Consiglio di tenere la fiamma molto bassa, e appena l'aglio inizia a sfrigolare nell'olio spegnete, perchè l'aglio continuerà a cuocere anche dopo che avrete spento il fuoco!

Puttanesca : di solito viene fatto con gli spaghetti, ma potete usare anche altra pasta. E' un po' più elaborato degli altri
-salsa al pomodoro
-olive nere
-capperi (al supermercato vendono le bustine di capperi sottosale. Una volta aperti si conservano in frigorifero per almeno 3 months)

Heat olive oil, olives, onion, chili and capers (rinse them under water to remove the salt). After 2 minutes add the sauce and cook for 5 minutes.

Amatriciana : Exclusive to the pasta sauce.
Ingredients: Oil-

-onion-bacon (the recipe involves bacon doc)

-pepper-tomato sauce
Usual method: heat oil, onion, diced pancetta and chilli. Beware the bacon should not roasted but cooked slowly and then hold down the fire. After 2 minutes aggigungete the sauce (this time to 4 tablespoons per 100g of pasta) and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Smoke: sauce typical of macaroni.

-oil-cream (not flat)


In other words is un'amatriciana with cream. The procedure is the same, but beware of the cream: it must be added after cooking (1 tablespoon to 3 tablespoons of sauce)

Carbonara: spaghetti and linguine pasta are the most commonly used with this sauce.
Ingredients: Oil-


-1 egg for 120 grams of pasta
-grated pecorino (in no you can use parmesan)
Break the egg into a cup or a bowl and beat to mix white (white) and red (yellow), grated cheese, add egg and mix together.
5 minutes before draining the pasta with the oil, fry the bacon in a frying pan is not so great.
When the bacon is well browned off. Drain the pasta and pour into the pan with the sauce at this point to fire off pour the egg on the pasta and mix well and quickly to prevent the egg becomes an omelette.
Add salt, pepper and enjoy.

au gratin with bechamel : macaroni or penne are perfect.
-sauce (is ready for the supermarket)
-smoked bacon (optional)
-tomato sauce (optional)
When you throw the dough, turn on the grill is so hot. Drain the pasta and pour into a pan or baking sheet (aluminum ones are also fine disposable).
pour over the sauce and mix well (you can add to the previously white sauce of tomato sauce if you like and / or bacon). Bake for
qualceh minutes, until the surface of the dough does not form a golden crust. Remove
sal oven and wait 1 minute to eat it, otherwise you burned.

the tuna : spaghetti, but also feathers.

a can of tuna (preferably natural, but oil is fine) -4
anchovies (or anchovy paste, more practical: 1 x 2 teaspoon servings)

-caper-tomato (or tomato sauce)

-pepper-chopped parsley (to the supermarket in the frozen food counter).
While cooking the pasta (I suggest you start when you put the water on the fire) washed the tomatoes, cut them in half, remove seeds and spezzetateli. Heat oil and fry up the garlic and chilli. Remove the garlic and add the anchovies (or anchovy paste) and capers rinsed to remove the salt.
Drain the tuna, spezzetatelo and add to sauce. Sauté for a few minutes and then add the tomatoes. Cook for 10 minutes and at the end of cooking, add a sprinkling of chopped parsley.

For the cooking time of pasta: on the box is always advised. If you like al dente, take a minute to less than indicated, otherwise 1 to +.

3 recommendations (grandmother):
-salt in the dough is made when the water boils (if nothing else, it takes less water to boil).
-use the same spoon (preferably wooden) to mix the sauce and the pasta while it is boiling, "dirty" water from the pasta with the sauce left on the spoon, pasta and cooks and absorbs the sauce is good and if the spoon is made of wood is also good sauce.
always used for the sauce-pan: in this way when the pasta is ready (al dente), drain in a colander, pour in the pan and back on the low heat (except for the carbonara). Stir well to the pasta in the sauce for 1 minute and serve. These are recipes

sprint, followed by post dedicated to specific recipes.
Then if you want the super-sprint the only solution is: stock up on sauces from the supermarket, or buy the mixed spices (Italian-style mixed, mixed to angry, etc.)

Bon appetit!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Whats A Good Surface For A Mini Ramp

zuppettina hot pasta and vegetables good

Hello everyone!

eun today I wanted to give some 'recipe to sprint to the slices of meat, but given the time horrible exchange program and I give you the recipe for a super soup: soup of farro. It seems difficult but it is not and I assure you it is delicious. If you have not spelled you can use rice, but it is not the same thing.

Ingredients (x2) :

-50-60 grams of farro (found in supermarkets but not among the rice where there are beans, chickpeas and lentils)
-100 grams of bacon (or take it to deli counter and you make the cut in a single thick slice, or we are already comfortable trays of bacon cut into cubes in refrigerated between cured meats. If you take the trays and you can always freeze the advance;)) -1

carrot-nut (or broth granular)
- 2-3 tablespoons of tomato sauce (more sauce that passed)

-oil -1 onion slice
-chili (powder: two beautiful spray, dried whole: with a few seeds)-salt

-1 sprig of rosemary (or 2 generous pinches of the dry type Cannamela)

Preparation: Take a pan

and put in warm water with the nut (1 nut per 1 liter of water) to make broth.
take a pot (say 20 dm in diameter, up to 30 if you grow up) and put the oil (just to cover the oven) with onion, bacon (cut into squares) and the carrot. Heat the oil with other ingredients for 2 minutes, add the farro.
After 5 minutes add 2-3 tablespoons of tomato sauce and chili pepper, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.
Now add the broth a bit 'at a time (say 1 / 3 of a liter at a time). Since
add the broth for the first time he has to cook for at least 1 hour. Regulator almost cooked if you want a liquid or dense or less and add broth.
Put salt (to taste) and rosamrino, stir.
Turn off the heat and let stand 1 minute before serving.

Bon appetit!

PS. There are also variations
Variant 1: + beans, cannellini beans or chickpeas. Take well as those completed in a jar or tin (only to be heated) and add them halfway through cooking.
Option 2: + shrimp. If you take some pre-cooked frozen ones aggingeteli almost cooked otherwise they become hard. If you take some raw ones, then you need to cook them at the beginning, when you heat the oil with onion and carrot.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crispy Chicken Salad School Lunch Calories


Hello everyone, today

topic "healthy." So many people do not love it, unless they are potatoes, but also give some advice to prepare. Any vegetables can be cooked in many ways: boiled, steamed, fried, stewed, baked, fried or grilled.

Carrots the carrot is eaten raw, steamed / boiled, fried, fried. If you have limited time I suggest you eat it raw because it takes 3 / 4 of an hour to cook in a skillet or frying it. The alternative is to boil (1 / 2 hour, but not much of a girlfriend).
pan-In: Take a pan with a little 'oil (just the bottom of the pan). cut carrots into slices not too thick and pour into pan. Season with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat until they are tender. Stir often to prevent sticking.
-Chips: Make a batter with flour and eggs (1 egg, 3 tablespoons of flour enough for 500g of carrots). Grate carrots, throw it into the batter and Meholah well. Take a pan with high sides and pour the peanut oil. When the oil is hot buttateci carrots and cook until golden.

beans (also known as horns) are commonly found frozen in the supermarket. If not properly cooked is often hard. COOKING TIPS: half an hour before dinner put on a pot of salted water (the amount you need to cook the pasta) and when it boils buttateci inside the beans. After 20 minutes (Try them to see if they are tender) drain. At this point you can do in two ways:
-oil and season with salt and let them eat them
- 2 miunti jump in the pan with a little 'oil and salt (more tasty).

Potatoes: very versatile and can be cooked in many ways. We see the most common.
-In frying pan is cooking faster (20-30 min) but the most committed itself because you have to check back often to prevent burning. Take a frying pan (preferably from the edges a bit 'high) and put a little' oil (not too much otherwise they become too greasy). Cut the potatoes into cubes (no larger than 1 cm per side) and throw them in hot oil (because eye diagram). Salt, pepper and season to taste (as well as you can season with salt and pepper to taste: rosemary, oregano, thyme, red pepper). Then cook over medium heat stirring frequently because otherwise burn on one side and raw on the other remain. We put less oil and more often you turn, make the crust more. To speed up the cooking, after 5 minutes you can cover with a lid, but you must always be careful not to burn.
Variation: Cut the potatoes into thin slices and throw it in hot oil for a few minutes will the chips. In this way, it takes even less;)
Al-oven is cooking that combines style and ease, but it takes a little 'more (1 hour of cooking). Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and take a baking dish (even a frying pan is fine, the important is that potatoes are not all piled up, lie flat). Put the pan in a piece of parchment paper otherwise the potatoes will stick (and then another that Cillit Bang to clean ...). Cut the potatoes to your liking (wedges, slices, cubes) and put them into the pan. Dress with oil (not too much, say 1 tablespoon per serving), salt, pepper, rosemary or oregano, garlic and mix thoroughly, Bake in hot oven and cook for 1 hour (stir halfway through cooking I recommend a bit ') . The papate cook for themselves, so you can do anything in the meantime. After 50 min turn on the grill so that they form a crust.
-Lesse/al steam: it is the easiest recipe ever, ma non molto gustosa. La differenza tra lessarle e farle al vapore e che se le lessate è preferibile che le sbucciate una volta cotte. Possono essere condite a piacimento e mangiate sia calde che fredde (il condimento tipico è olio, sale e prezzemolo). Perchè siano cotte ci vuole 3/4 - 1 ora (a seconda della dimesione delle patate).
-Fritte: per le patate fritte è congliabile usare la friggitrice. Sono abbastanza veloci da cucinare (la cosa lunga è tagliarle a listarelle, a meno che non abbiate l'apposito strumento), ma non ve le consiglio se vivete in un monolocale...
-Purea: qui ci potete mettere 10-20 minuti se usate i preparati o 1 ora e 1/4 se lo fate con le ver patate (se avete tempo preferite the second, much better;)).
potatoes (I use 4 large potatoes 2 large portions)

butter 250 ml milk (dose for 4 potatoes)

salt Boil the potatoes with the skin for at least 50 min (with a fork infilzatele: if the fork sinks into the potato without effort are ready).
Once cooked remove from fire, but not wait for it to cool before peeling them. Then take another pot and a potato masher (if you do not, pottie use the masher, potato masher, but it is better).
Put milk to boil (for 2 portions using 250 ml of milk). Attnzione Do not burn it (when it starts to make a film turn it off at the surface)
Peel the potatoes (not to burn yourself infilazele with a fork and peel with a knife) one at a time and as the peeled mash with a potato masher dentrto the new pot. Once this is complete and adds 3-4 thin slices of butter (dose for 2-3 servings). Mix well with a spoon (preferably wood).
Now put it back on low heat and continue stirring slowly add the milk until it reaches the consistency you prefer.
Add salt to taste (for the dose of 4 potatoes usually use 1 teaspoon).
Enjoy. If you puree
advances can keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To take a small pan and heat it up without adding latte scaldateci il purea mescolando in continuazione.
NB: perchè il purea sia buono dovete lessare le patate con la buccia, schiacciarle ancora calde con lo schiacciapatate e aggiungere il latte CALDO,altrimenti si fanno i grumi!!!
-Alla piastra: lessate le patate per mezz'ora circa, sbucciatele, fatele a fette spesse di 1 cm e mettele sulla piastra calda. Fate cuocere per qualche minuto da etrambre le parti.
-In umido: di solito quando si fa lo spezzatino si aggiungono le patate nnella stessa padella. Quando manca 1/2 circa alla fine della cottura dello spezzatino in umido (con la salsa), aggiungete le patate sbucciate e tagliate a cubetti. Non vanno ulteriormente condite: assorbono il condimento della carne e sono ottime.

Piselli : li trovate comunemente nel banco dei surgelati al supermercato. Tempo di cottura: 1/2 ora circa. Prendete una padella e metteteci un po' d'olio (giusto da coprire il fondo), 1 pezzetto di cipolla e della pancetta (o proscitto cotto). Accendete il fuoco e versateci sopra i piselli, condite con sale, pepe e prezzemolo a piacere. Dopo 2-3 minuti coprite con un coperchio e fate cuocere per 1/2 ora circa controllando spesso che non brucino: quando vedete che si attaccano potete aggiungere un po' d'acqua.

Pomodori : oltre che in insalata (e in questo caso vi consiglio di condirli con l'origano) possono essere mangiati cotti al forno. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Take
round tomatoes, cut in half and put them on the plate of the oven (covered with a piece of parchment paper). Make a mixture of bread crumbs, salt, pepper and parsley and divide it with a spoon on the tomatoes.
Bake for 1 / 2 hour. (After cooking if you have not made the crust on the bread crumbs turn on the grill for 5 minutes).

Spinach: found these to the bank of frozen (usually in the bag already divided into cubes). We turn to a portion 3-4 cubes. Cooking time: 30 min. You can cook directly in the pan with a little 'oil, but you stirring frequently to prevent burning (Adding a little 'water if necessary), or boil them for 20-25 minutes, drain them and fry them in a pan with a little' oil for 3-4 min. The advantage of this second way is that you can boil them while they do something else.

Zucchini : these can be cooked in a pan, baked, or fried on the plate. Cooking is faster to the plate (but there is a risk that they remain Durette).
-In frying pan in a pan put oil and onions, cut the courgettes and pour into pan. Season with salt, pepper and basil or oregano. Bake for 45 minutes.
-Baked: Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Cut the zucchini in half for the deep and then in half lengthwise. Take the plate of the oven, put on a piece of parchment paper over the zucchini and lean, with the interior chiarorivolto to the other. In a scodellla do a mixture of bread crumbs, salt, parsley and olive oil with a teaspoon and put it on the zucchini. Bake for 1 hour (long, but do not require assistance menttre cook and can do more). At the end of cooking if you have not formed a crust, turn on the grill for 5 minutes.
-fried, the most laborious of all. Take a pot and boil water. Meanwhile, prepare the batter, mixing beer, flour and salt: should be a creamy consistency. I recommend that you sift the flour into the beer to avoid lumps (or use the biscuit to mix beer with flour. When the water boils mingle in the whole zucchini for 2 minutes max. Drain, talgiatele into strips and dip them in batter. Let stand for a few minutes and when the oil in the pan or in the fryer is hot dip until golden brown.

And if you have little time and no desire to cook then I suggest the following solutions:
-4 sautéed and similar (very good outline "Mediterranean" with potatoes, zucchini, peppers and eggplant)
-fried potatoes, croquettes, baked potatoes to be cooked frozen (there are also fried potatoes cooked in the oven: excellent)
-canned vegetables Bonduelle and the like, in this case, take a pan, put a little 'and pour the vegetable oil after removing the water in which it is immersed. For canned peas and carrots seasoned with salt and pepper to the beans used salt, pepper and sage; for faglioli seasoned with salt, pepper, sage and tomato sauce

If you do not use more than the microwave, many supermarkets in the department sell food already cooked and seasoned vegetables ... just warm them.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Williams Rogers & Sonaa

The freezer ...


addition to recipes give some useful advice to make life easier. Today we speak of the freezer, my best friend in the kitchen after the oven (there dico un anno senza entrambi...che fatica!).

Il freezer vi permette di fare spesa anche meno di una volta alla settimana (certo ci vuole un freezer capiente) e se vivete da soli potete sfruttare le "offerte famiglia" senza mangiare per una settimana le stesse cose.

Nel freezer ci potete mettere di tutto: dall'antipasto al dolce. Munitevi però di un rotolo di pellicola trasparente (tipo domopack).

Pane: se avete preso troppo pane e avete paura che al 4 giorno sia cemento, potete tagliare il pane in parti, avvolgerlo nella pellicola e metterlo in freezer. Quando lo vorrete mangiare toglietelo dal freezer e potete scongelarlo sia a temperatura ambiente che in forno (normale o a microonde). It will look like freshly baked. Is kept in the freezer for about a month.

Fresh pasta (dried pasta such as spaghetti, penne, etc. need not be frozen): You can freeze gnocchi, tagliatelle, ravioli, Cappelletti, lasagna ... so all the pasta in general. Even in this case, wrap in plastic wrap or use of plastic boxes. For the lasagna I suggest you put in a lasagna and the other a sheet of plastic to prevent them from attacking too.
NB: For the pastry mean lasagna and the lasagna is not already stuffed (like Bologna). If the frozen lasagna already filled (cooked or not) will not be as good as if made, cooked and eaten right away ... In
freezer si conservano per circa 2 mesi

Impasti per dolci : pasta frolla, pasta dolce, pasta brisee, pasta sfoglia, ecc. Potete preparare l'impasto in abbondanza, dividerlo in parti e congelarle. Quando vi servono fatele scongelare per una notte in frigo. In freezer si conservano per circa 3 mesi.

Carne e pesce : spesso al supermercatoci sono le confezioni di carne pesce "formato famiglia" che costano meno. Potete tranquillamente comprarle e poi se siete da soli dividete la carne e il pesce in porzioni e avvolgetele sempre nella pellicola. Mettete in freezer e quando le volete mangiare scongelatele (o le tirate fuori dal freezer e le mettete in frigo per una notte o una giornata intera, oppure le socngelate in oven / microwave oven if the defrost function). The meat will keep three months or so, the fish 2 months.

Vegetables: You can also freeze the vegetables, with some changes in me anymore. First, you can not freeze the entire salad and then eat raw vegetables (if you do then thawed when the rot now ...). But you can freeze the cooked vegetables you eat: spinach, peas, zucchini, carrots, eggplants, potatoes, etc.. The only trick is to cut potatoes, carrots, zucchini slices before freezing. This is because the vegetables do not thaw before cooking to be done, but must be removed from the freezer and put in pan, oven frozen otherwise rots at the same time ... which thaws in the freezer is also preserved 3 months

Sweets ready : a cake that lends itself well to freezing are the pastries. When thawing in the oven and place them a few minutes you will have as good as those croissants from the bakery just ready (of course must be good at the start: p) You can also freeze the jam tarts or pies with whipped cream (to prevent disassemble sprinkle the cream with the powdered sugar). Not frozen desserts with fruit because otherwise when they thawed the fruit is not good. In the freezer will keep 1-2 months (the cakes with the cream does not freeze it for a long time).

Sauces: If you are alone or if you use it and just the sauce in the can you go wrong you can always put it in the freezer, dividing it into small cubes in the container to make ice cubes. When you need it will use as many cubes you need. It also preserved three months.

fresh various flavors: you can freeze basil, sage, parsley, rosemary. You do not need the film better if you put them in plastic boxes. When you need to do as the vegetables: frozen put them in the pan when you need it, do not let them thaw before using them! It also preserved 3 months

soup, milk, lemon juice
: these too can freeze them in glass jars or storage bin. We keep 3 months or more.

I seem to have put all the chances I forgot .. if you write something!

Bon appetit!

Facebook Profile Pose

Biscuits mountain


start with a really easy recipe for cookies ... do not need to mix: just the food processor:) Do not be fooled by the length (I wrote everything in detail)

00 gr.
margarine 100 gr.

butter 150 gr. sugar cane
100 gr. granulated sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar (commonly known as "vanillin" is not strictly needed) 2 eggs

250. g buckwheat flour
250 gr. flour with starch Mulino Bianco (alternatively use the standard white flour and put in a bag and a half of baking powder)
100 gr. chopped almonds (they sell it already, otherwise take them whole and tritalele in food processor)
100 gr.
chocolate chips (can also take a bar of chocolate cn min 75% cocoa and crumble)
1 packet of yeast


take a blender or food ingredients and Inserit 1 at a time: Put butter, margarine and 2 types of sugar and operate the robot for 1 minute.
Open it and put the eggs and flour, buckwheat and operated the robot again for 2 minutes
Open it again and put the other flour, operate the robot for 2 minutes.
Add almonds, chocolate and yeast (add the yeast to take a "sieve" because they would not otherwise blend well)

If the robot is not big enough you can do in two ways:

do half-dose after-
put the flour remove the dough from the robot and put it in a large bowl (like the one for the salad).

Knead all the ingredients Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and take the black plate of the oven.
Put on a sheet of baking paper. At this point, take your hands a bit 'of dough at a time, make small balls the size of a walnut (for engineers: 1-1.5 cm in diameter) and place them on parchment paper spaced 2-3 cm s 'from each other.

Now put in the oven and cook for 20 minutes, then baked at once. Repeat until all dough (they are about 70 cookies).

NB when removing the cookies from the hot plate using a spoon and be careful because it gets very hot when removed from the oven they are soft and may break.

Bon appetit!

is the result:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sims 3 Find The Relic Of Eternity Tutorial

Hello everyone!

blog dedicated to all those who enter the kitchen when they do not know where to put their hands, but also to those seeking the variation of the recipe, advice on how best to cook pasta or risotto, etc. ...

follow recipes and "Grandma's advice":) kisses

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Project Report Of Any New Business

My wisdom tooth

Ho un dente del giudizio che a volte si infiamma. Accade sempre così: una maledetta domenica mia madre fa per pranzo il solito, pesantissimo, maledetto BRODO.
“SOLITO”, perché lo fa quasi ogni domenica.
“PESANTISSIMO”, perché è convinta – e nessuno è mai riuscito a smuoverla da tale convinzione – che l’unica pasta che può sposarsi con il brodo sono i quadrucci fatti in casa da lei: piccoli parallelepipedi con lati rispettivamente di 5, 4 e 3 millimetri, per un totale di 60 millimetri cubici; data la quasi regolarità della forma di questo maledetto tipo di pasta, questi piccoli malefici cubetti si assemblano all’interno del brodo in una maniera quasi geometric results, especially if the dish is eaten after a little 'cold, it's almost like a pile of bricks dumped in a concrete casting, which - as is known - is something very little digestible.
Instead of a saucepan with cappuccino ... pot with the broth! That gritty breakfast and friendly ...

"cursed" because he always manages to do on those Sundays where you can dine at one o'clock and I wake up and ten o'clock, having made - as every man has the sacred right to do - late on Saturday night. Just imagine what can be tempting to feel, stoned wet for partying the night before, a delicious scent of broth creep even into the covers. While rising to the north are the Germans and British having breakfast with sausage or bacon, I think we must go back even further to the north of the Norwegian fjords to find a poor man who just got up and swallow bricks cold broth. Yes, cold, because thanks to the powers of the unconscious mind while you're in bed if you feel that the time has passed from the time you have called to say that it is instantly ready when you dress was 5 minutes, in fact in the real world have passed 15!

arrivals, you sit still stoned, pissed off because I have woken up, furious because now the only difference between the cement and the broth is the color, and - as if this were not enough - is sure will not miss someone who will say, "but do not stop doing so late in the evening? You're taking a wrong turn! Not since mica c'avrai down with the bottle? "Ah, can thank quell'incosciente preacher, thank loudly that bottle, because if they are so stoned and time do not answer it is only thanks to her! Yes, thanks to her if I abstract from any external event, and is always because of her that I find his head bent down so heavy that I hold, with no strength to lift it. And what I see with your head bowed? Yes, that one, the dish of condensed soup, which is to solidify and we put in a spoon, trying to shake a bit, 'but nothing, I can only move a dozen bricks. I look at him well, and I riviene horribly to mind something like that I saw on the ground earlier in the evening alcoholic past. Oh Holy God! But then, my goodness wins, and I surrender to the pleas that the dish seems to me, saying: "Please, eat! If you will remain here, will solidify to the point of becoming one with my pottery, and I'll just end up making a frisbee from Easter Monday. "Ok, I take a spoonful, the port at the mouth half-open and shaking, I can enter hesitantly inside, close my eyes and "Admin", down, almost like castor oil. The broth is spread in my mouth, but what is solid, it still is not enough to infiltrate there, right there, between the gum and tooth to review! Aaaaah! Bastard!
The deadly "bricks", which have drawn inspiration from the Lego ...
After the broth, however, does not end the nightmare. The worst is yet to come. E 'boiled meat shreds ... and now it too cold, that no matter how you try to chew and grind, there is always an evil and bloody meat fibers that are always slips between a tooth and the other, but the worst is that among these there is surely at least one of which - almost drawn to the liquid in which it was cooked - ready to go in company stock to the gum that was stuck before.
After this agony, I take my coffee and run to the bathroom: toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, but nothing, nothing ... The toothbrush does not fit into the gap, the granules it comes to toothpaste, but does so only as a plug, the wire is a punch and then it's useless. Mouthwash would, but what does it do? Nothing takes away the granules that were on top! Oh yes, now the infection has begun!
Fraying boiled meat ...
three days go by and nothing happens, the fourth day, Thursday, I wake up with a swelling, in the next three, fever in 38 °: looks a bit 'my ass, are Friday, Saturday and Sunday! On Friday I do not think of going to the doctor, the illusory hope that everything will disappear on its own with a bit 'of salt and water rinses and aspirin, two days after the illusion fades, but the doctor's surgery is closed. On Monday, the fever passed, but the swelling no: I wake up to the usual one, and I find that the shift was in the morning! Tuesday, swelling the past almost all go to the doctor.
The shift starts at 17, and I stress to present one hour prior to take place. Arrival, but the good will is not rewarded in the race because of medical examinations, there are formidable opponents: the old ladies, who have not seen a fuck to do, are there from 14, in a country we know all the old ladies, then use the doctor's office like a pub, the good old days where you can chat with other old ladies. We must also look good if it is a social activity. And I shit, that disgust doctors and hospitals, I find myself to be there to break the chestnuts while having fun.
Find an empty seat at least one, an hour early, I've won. I sit and look at the wall. Pass 10 minutes, and take my crappy Nokia 3330 which only has games like Bantumi, Snake and Pairs. Snake I refuse on principle, and starts with the beans Bantumi: 6 minutes 6 and turn it off because it threatens to fall asleep and lose your turn. Step in Pairs, and I racked my brains for the brain to remember the location of each symbol fucking insane that Nokia decided to use the snake, the boot, the mouflon ... BUT THAT '?! 5 minutes passed, I reflect that I do not study by heart the formulas in college, and then in principle I can not memorize more useless things.
The old ladies, waiting to chat ...
16:30 pm: study inizia a riempirsi, e non si respira più.
Ore 17:00: arriva la dottoressa. Le vecchiette reagiscono alla sua entrata con un enfasi seconda solo all’arrivo del parroco al tabernacolo all’apertura della messa domenicale.
Ore 17:10: la prima paziente entra.
Ore 17:25: la prima paziente esce.
Ore 17:30: la seconda paziente entra.
Ore 17:50: la seconda paziente esce.
Ore 17:51: io, riflettendo sul fatto di essere all’ottavo posto, e avendo terminato i giochi sul cellulare, mi abbasso a prendere uno di quei giornali che più che scandalistici definirei scandalosi. La prima notizia è su Vallettopoli. La seconda su Zequila. Continuo a sfogliare, fino a quando vedo qualcosa che almeno can be described as "interesting", especially when compared with the previous "news": the Gregoraci's butt. As soon as I see it, just start enjoying the curves, wham! I realize that the old lady next to me that until then had been talking with his neighbor, is staring at the paper, and the instant after staring at me shocked, like a pervert. I - like a thief caught red-handed - I try to make vague, and around the subsequent pages, always full of tits and ass, with the same speed and lack of interest as you browse the news on vallettopoli: I try to show that I did not make any effect. Ok, 'Nothing, not even a master is to look asses. The paper ends, and the second step I took, but I am horrified by the choice: it is the Christian Family!

18:20 pm: it starts to rain, and the old lady comes out with: "Ah, comma ', nun there are more seasons of' na Vord. Before callu ago, then it rains, then freddu ago. Fijetti our pores, which bruttu mondu, "and in saying" our fijetti "turns his gaze to me. I read it, I read your desire to start a conversation with me, now I see behind your smile, you want to slip in a speech Pallos where I can only say 'Yes', "which dovemo ago'?" was mejo quanno if he was worse. " But no, no! 'It is the satisfaction you do not. Hint of a smile, then I turn now to take the phone, with a face like "hey, I felt something vibrate" when in fact I have the ringtone on the ball, I just do not call anyone! Pull it off, and start to scroll through a message I will come two months before, and I pretend to read it with surprise. Without this, I pretended to call someone. But since I do not have to call anyone, and I do not like throwing money should I do? Because I know that these old women pretending to be deaf, I - clever - to simulate a voice at the other end of the phone call the 4916, which is a week so that is in my recent calls! I begin to invent a speech like "I'm here from the doctor, even in a little 'up to me, let me raise it ... Then I'll call you back." And so I rise and approach the door.
18:30 pm: in the study is full of sick people, and therefore also of bacilli. In the meantime, I feel that there's hardly any swelling.
18:40 am: finally get my turn. Within, I tell my week of hell, auks the doctor asks me to open my mouth. It takes a wooden stick, and pushes me on the gums with unprecedented violence, and in doing so also has the audacity to ask "does it hurt if I push here?" Of course it hurts me, stupid! I'd be hurt too if I had inflammation! Me would be, indeed! After two or three times to test this vile, I says, 'ok,', Mauretto, there is nothing here now. Look, now you do 'an infallible remedy for all pass. "I, who had gone there with the specific intent to give me a prescription of powerful antibiotics that alone I could not otherwise buy, I believe that to be justified in being a bit 'pissed off when the miraculous medicine that was suggested to me: Wash with water and salt! Aaaah, damn you! How dare you! After all that I have suffered to come to you, I recommend a liquid so silly that even a bum would give me the Tiber, con la sua esperienza decennale in automedicazioni a basso costo?!
Ore 18:47: me ne vado, incazzato, a casa, e mi faccio i fottuti sciacqui.

Due giorni dopo: le due ore e quaranta minuti passate in quel lazzaretto mi hanno fatto contrarre qualche influenza di qualche dannato paziente che avrà impestato l’aria parlando di come le stagioni non siano più quelle di una volta. Ora mi rifarò un altro fine settimana a letto. Ma stavolta col cavolo che torno dalla dottoressa, e sapete perché? Perché la malattia da guarire sarebbe ormai abbastanza vicina alla fine per non farmi dare una cura potente, mentre per attendere il mio turno contrarrei di sicuro una nuova malattia i cui sintomi non sarebbero ancora abbastanza evidenti because the doctor's knowledge! But Vaffa ....