Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Do I Need To Drive An Ambulette?


is today published the notice of competition for schools " Citizenship, Constitution & Safety .

The presentation of the projects will take place from 07/03/2011 by completing the online application which will be available from that date at / cittadinanzaecostituzione / security .
To go to the networks of schools use the data access in their possession ( login and password school leader) normally used for participation in training ANSAS. If the school leader was not in possession of login and password - and any other information - you can contact by e-mail .

La presentazione dei progetti ( che dovranno essere attuati entro l'a.s. 2011/2012 ) è a cura della scuola capofila della rete o della scuola presidente del consorzio, nella misura di uno per ogni scuola capofila e partecipante.

Termine per la candidatura dei progetti: ore 00.00 del 04/04/2011 .

I progetti saranno valutati da un'apposita Commissione costituita dall'ANSAS che compilerà una graduatoria e, in base alle risorse disponibili e ai progetti presentati, a ciascun progetto verrà assegnato un finanziamento fino a un massimo di € 110.000,00 in base al punteggio assegnato.

For the presentation of the competition, the objectives and content of projects and the procedures and deadlines, you should examine the contract and the annexes.

Download the announcement (Decree No. 45 of 10/02/2011 ):

Attachments and References:

CM "Citizenship and the Constitution " No. 86 of 2010 ( all.1 ):
/allegato_1.pdf allegato_1.pdf

Charter of Intent " School, Safety, Legality and Liability " MIUR-INAIL-MLPS of 24/06/2010 ( all. 2):
/allegato_2.pdf allegato_2.pdf https: / / / viewer? A = v & & pid = explorer chrome = true & srcid = 0B-WzUml3_BSuMDQwOGFjNmMtNGIwZS00N2VhLWJjNDktZDUwZWZkOGI2YjJk & hl = en
  • " Europe 2020. A strategy for smart growth, sustainable and inclusive , "Communication from the EC of 3.3.2010 ( all. 3):
    /allegato_3.pdf allegato_3.pdf
  • Model card application to be completed online by the school leader ( all. 4):
    /allegato_4.pdf allegato_4.pdf
  • card statement of the constitution of the network of schools and institutional network, to download, complete and attach signed by the Director of the school leader ( all.5 ):
    /allegato_5.doc allegato_5.doc
  • Card description skills and experience of the network of partnerships institutions ( all. 6 ):

    /allegato_ 6.doc   allegato_ 6.doc  


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